Excel Financial Add-In with 50 functions for planning and analysis makes financial models faster to build and more reliable to maintain. Context sensitive help file, quick reference, examples of each function and tutorials.
Magic Translator is an online translaor, which can now translate word, sentence, passage and Webpages, Websites among 10 languages: English, French, German, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Russian, Chinese, Korean, Japanese.
A hotkey or a click on a tray icon starts the calculation dialog for your math formula. The dialog is generated out of the formula. Just enter the actual parameters and it displays the result. It displays a table when a two ranges are input.
Campground Reservation Management software for campgrounds, RV resorts, inns, and other rental properties. Easy to learn and use, with an intuitive visual interface. This fully configurable system tracks customers, reservations, and transactions.
CG Invoicer creates professional invoices quickly and easily. Track clients, products, invoices and generate sales reports. You can check email from within CG Invoicer and parse out registration emails automatically
Manage many charity functions - client assistance, fund raising, personnel including volunteers, finance management and accounting, volunteer groups. User defined fields, many reports.
ChatMan provides an universal solution for communicating within local area network (intranet). ChatMan perfectly combines higly customizeable interface (color styles, text aliases, addons) and ease of use (once installed it is ready to use)
Check Printing Software 2000 prints MICR checks for USA and Canadian banks from blank check stock and can also create pre-printed bank checks for accounting applications including Quicken, QuickBooks or Microsoft Money, and best of all it is FREE.
Checkbook for Excel is a personal & business finance application written for Microsoft Excel. It includes a Palm OS based companion application that lets you enter transactions on your Palm handheld and synchronize them with Checkbook for Excel.
Tracks the church's membership, contributions, pledges, finances, committees, sunday school classes, music library records, sermons, church personnel, music programs, talent survey and more. User defined fields.
Entertaining chess puzzle game that is fun and challenging. Each puzzle contains only one correct solution. Perfect for on the phone at work or for your laptop. Chuzzles is an unassuming and addictive game that improves your analytical skills.
Organisations providing services to clients use Clinappt to make and record appointments, keep simple client records and prepare invoices. The program is easy to set up and has features including e-mailing of appointment reminders
Multiple storage clipboard utility to copy and paste text and pictures.
Drag data to other applications and forms, No retyping.
Includes 150 storage locations (each 32,000 characters, incl Carriage returns)
Auto Run and Start-in-Tray options.
Small but useful utility that allows for quick conversion from Euros to the "old" currencies of Euro-countries, and vice versa. Features: sits in system tray, Always On Top
Converse through PC, record your conversations, personalize greetings, announce and prioritize your calls, let callers access audio info via touchtone, perform automated phone surveying, log your calls and provide dial line services with ComSmart!
Microcafe Concept is a complete and easy to use restaurant reservation managment system! Concept can help you automate, track and monitor every aspect of your restaurant's reservations.
Convert it is a program converting various types of measurement units(supports more than 200 unit types).The program has seven main categories of units each containing lots of unit types in them.Length-Weight-Count-Area-Vol-Time-Density-Power
Handy printing utility for Win32 systems. Print text files with font, line numbering, two up and other batch options. Works with any Win32 printer. Printer scaling and offset. Configurable parsing and text highlighting options.
Online verify VISA, MasterCard, American Express and Diner Club International Credit Card.
Integrates online storage and sharing, email, instant messaging in one unique package. Provides real time secure communications for text and data transfers in a multi user secure environment. Unique secure group collaboration and more.