Data Bar Expanded is versatile and versatile barcode type suitable for various industries due to its ability to encode large amounts of data. Expanded barcode is use in libraries for book tracking, inventory management, and circulation control.
eXPert PDF 4 provides everything you need when handling PDF documents, such as Creating, Assembling, Marking up/Commenting, Editing, Securing, Archiving, Publishing/E-mailing, Searching and indexing.
Barcode Tag improves distribution operations by increasing the potency and productivity of receipt and dispatch functions. With the use of barcode technology, a distribution business will improve data accuracy and effectively monitoring in real time.
Export Query for Microsoft SQL Server helps to save query results to Excel spreadsheet. The program has easy to use and to learn wizard interface. All modersn versions of Microsoft SQL Server and all versions of Microsoft Excel are supported.
Export Query to SQL for MS SQL helps to save query results as a set of INSERT SQL statements. Predefined or custom separators like 'go', two identity support modes and a few options make tool flexible. The program has easy to use wizard interfac
Export Query for Microsoft SQL Server helps to save a query results to text file. The program supports delimited or fixed length formats. Export utility has easy to learn and to use wizard interface. All modern versions of SQL Server are supported.
This Export tool for Microsoft SQL server creates SQL script for datbase objects definitions: tables, views, triggers, indexes, primary and foreign keys, procedures, etc. ANSI and UNICODE are supported, custom statements separator. Wizard interface.
Export Table for Microsoft SQL Server helps to save table's data to text file. The program supports delimited or fixed length formats. Export utility has easy to learn and to use wizard interface. All modern versions of SQL Server are supported.
Express Agent lets you schedule and execute jobs and backups for SQL Express. Schedule other events for SQL Express. Full event logging and email notification. Can add, edit, delete, monitor and schedule jobs on multiple servers.
Word Extracting Software has four options to extract text from image such as (a) read text from camera (b) read text from pictures(c) read all images in folder (d) read text from scanner. Software is very useful & effective to extract text from photo
eZee FrontDesk is a general purpose hotel and motel software which is can be used as a hotel maintenance software, hotel reservations software, hotel management software, hotel billing software, hotel property management software (pms).
ezimerchant Professional will allow the small business owner to quickly build a web site with complete e-commerce facilities. Do you have products that you would like to sell on the Internet? ezimerchant Professional is for you!
EZOutlookSync is a straightforward yet versatile solution to synchronize MS Outlook files and folders between two or more computers. It dramatically decreases the time needed to always keep your files updated.
EZOutlookSync Pro is the next step in MS Outlook Synchronization. It delivers industry strength for lightning fast and robust synchronization of large Outlook files between two or more computers.
International stock, mutual fund, currency and index portfolio management software providing technical indicators, charting, forecasting and tracking.
Electronically process all major credit cards, receive approval codes, make settlements and track your credit card transactions using the using one of the largest and most secure Internet networks: VITAL(VisaNet) and pay only for your direct bank
Ezy Data 2000 lets you easily create relational databases of tables and queries for entering, storing, viewing and analysing data. Many features include: . Import data from a spreadsheet or other database into Ezy Data.
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Document as much information as you need concerning each prospect and their family. Print out a data sheet for each prospect to use a reference and to maintain information. Record the results of each visit to use as a reference for the next visit.
Powerful helper for farmers with a lot of equipment to maintain. Includes both Palm OS Handheld and Windows Desktop versions to keep track of equipment maintenance, repair data.