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 Dating Agency Builder 2.7 ($399.00)
by Alarit Inc. 
   Dating Agency Builder - full package for dating site development. Dating Agency Builder version 2.7 is an unmatched personals script that is of great interest to those who feel lonely and are looking for a soul mate.

 Dating Agency Builder 2.7 ($399.00)
by AlarIT LLC. 
   Dating Agency Builder - full package for dating site development. Dating Agency Builder version 2.7 is an unmatched personals script that is of great interest to those who feel lonely and are looking for a soul mate.

 Dating IM 5.0 (Free)
   Instant messenger with chat room ,instant messages ,Games ,Video - Voice chat,voice mails ,music mail,avatars,groups ,forums.

 DatingClub 5.0 ($299.95)
by W2B Web to Business 
   Dating Club is a powerful and complete web application that meets today's needs for a specialized dating website. Dating Club assures user confidentiality while providing features such as matchmaking, completehoroscope, message inbox, favorites.

 DB Maker 3.11 ($49.95)
by InternetSoft Corporation 
   DB Maker allows you to extract specific data from HTML and TXT documents and create text databases. The program lets you analyze and search a selected document for specified data, and convert the unstructured results into a text file.

 dbQwikSite E-Commerce Edition 4.1 ($179.95)
by TheDevShop Ltd. 
   dbQwikSite: creates E-commerce Sites, Catalogs & Lists from your database in seconds. Generates HTML, ASP or PHP web sites for viewing, searching, adding, editing data, email. Offers shopping cart or links to Paypal Shopping Cart.

 DC++ Acceleration Patch 4.6.2 (Free)
by Download Boosters 
   DC++ Acceleration Patch is an exceptional download-acceleration application that will help you by boosting DC++ downloads spectacularly.

 DC++ FasterDownloads 2.2 (Free)
by SuperAcceleratorSoftware Ltd 
   DC++ FasterDownloads is a download-accelerator add-on application for Direct Download Network client name DC++. This small and easy to use program saves your precious time by bringing download speed to its limit. It has many useful extras too.

 Dc++ Manager 1.1 (Free)
by BitRocket 
   DC++ Manager is a program for those who use DC++ P2P to download files. It offers a lot of features for managing your downloads such as easy deleting, moving, copying and renaming of files, which are helpful for maintaining your file index.

 Dc++ Manager 1.2 (Free)
by Innovative Booster Dev 
   DC++ Manager is a program for those who use DC++ P2P to download files. It offers a lot of features for managing your downloads such as easy deleting, moving, copying and renaming of files, which are helpful for maintaining your file index.

 DC++ MP3 Finder 1.2 (Free)
by DCPlus MP3 Finder LLC 
   DC++ MP3 Finder is a FREE software that utilizes highly popular in P2P networks Direct Connect protocol. It comes with improved user interface and optimized search functionality that will make your MP3 search much more efficient.

 Dc++ Ultra Speed 3.2 (Free)
by Innovative Booster Dev 
   DC++ Ultra Speed is an innovatory download-acceleration program that will make your life better by speeding up DC++ downloads and faster finding the files you want.

 DeltaSpy 1.7 ($39.95)
by The Search Engine Submission 
   This web page monitoring software keeps an eye on websites selected by you, notifying you only when there is something new to see. When you visit the site, the new or altered content will be highlighted.

 Deluxe Christmas MSN Display Pictures 1.0 (Free)
by MSN Display Pictures 
   With Christmas just around the corner, its time to decorate your MSN Messenger with loads of cool, free Christmas MSN Display Pictures! Check out this brand fun display picture set featuring lots of Christmas related images to get you in the mood.

 Depannage informatique a distance 1.2 (Free)
by Sos26 
   Troubleshooting computer remotely using the software made remotely over the Internet

 Der AuktionsTexter 2.3 ($10)
by Die Versteigerungs Kobolde 
   This Time only in German.

 Desktop Multiplier 2 ($99)
by Userful Corporation 
   Desktop Multiplier Software turns one computer into ten using extra video cards, keyboards, and monitors. Installs on most popular Linux distributions (RedHat, Novell/SuSE, Fedora, Mandriva, Xandros, Linspire, Ubuntu, etc.).

 Desktop Pinger 1.0 (Free)
by PJ Applications 
   Test anything that replies on a ping (ICMP). This little stay on top application is a handy tool for the helpdesk verifying that computers and other equipment are connected and online.

 Desktop Server 2 ($99)
by Userful Corporation 
   Desktop Server is a multi-user/multi-station Linux operating system that allows up to 10 independent users, screens and keyboards to work wfrom just on PC.

 DesktopForecast 2.1 ($9.95)
by PaintedBus Partners 
   DesktopForecast puts current local weather in your taskbar. It is easy to use and does not get in the way with advertising or a complex user interface. Just glance at your taskbar to see current conditions and temperature for your zipcode.

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