The MSN Messenger InfoPack provides you with the information on the latest MSN Messenger 7.5 Beta. The report contains detailed information and screenshots. Adobe Acrobat Reader is required, just extract and view the PDF file.
With MSN Name tricks, you can apply different cool effects to your MSN Messenger nickname! The included tricks include increasing the size of your MSN Messenger name font, changing the default font as seen by other and reversing your MSN name text!
With the MSN Names stealer you can, steal names from your contacts in MSN Messenger. This is useful if you want to copy your contacts MSN Names, or retrieve some info from them such as URLs, or even copy them all if your are an MSN Names collector.
MSNProtocol Analyzer (MSNPAnalyzer) is a network utility that can monitor (or capture, monitor) the sessions of MSN Protocol.
MSN Winks Installer is a program that allows you to preview, and install additional Winks for MSN Messenger. It has hundreds of MSN Messenger winks. you can select a favourite wink
to install into your MSN Messenger account.
The MSN Winks Remover is a tool to quickly delete all Winks installed to an MSN Messenger user's account as MSN Messenger 7 does not provide an easy way to quickly remove Winks. You just enter your sign-in name to delete the Winks instantly.
Installing a large number of Winks into MSN Messenger 7 can cause your computer and MSN Messenger to become slow and sluggish, also because MSN Messenger 7 uses a lot of resources. With this tool you can quickly uninstall your Winks.
Mac Multi Device Bulk SMS Software sends promotional text messages by a business to provide information about products and services or share alerts and time-sensitive updates and can conveniently and effectively communicate with all of your contacts.
Software allows user to send an unlimited number of messages from their PC or laptop to multiple GSM technology-based mobile phone without requiring any internet connection. Software sends several messages using Excel or by adding details manually.
Bulk text messaging application allows you to stay in touch with your family member by sending seasonal greeting message, birthday wishes from your personal computer. Bulk SMS software broadcast single text message to targeted audience in one time.
Multi-Screen Remote Desktop - The ideal remote-control and remote-access solution. Display Remote Desktops and control them in real time simultaneously, as if you were sitting in front of them. Display each desktop in 1, 4, 6 or 9 window(s).
MultiBlog is a new tool for bloggers everywhere. Combining all the usual features of remote blogging tools, such as offline drafting, syntax highlighting and formatting tools with the powerful ability to cross post to any combination of blogs in any
MultiPing is an application built for monitoring graphically one or more TCP/IP hosts, while providing detailed historical information about the collection period to monitor uptime and performance or to just keep track of general connectivity.
You can add multiple contact numbers to the list and import the list from excel and text file. Manually add or paste contact information. Messages are sent one-by-one through the single shot execution mode and one-at-a-time by a contact process mode.
SMS gateway offers two billing models pay-as-you-go and prepaid credits. Bulk SMS service provides often offer and different service packages to their customer. The primary cost associated with using bulk SMS gateway is the price per SMS messages.
MultiUpdate is a batch text or html editor capable of inserting, removing or replacing entire segments of text in multiple files at once. You can edit hundreds or even thousands of pages simultaneously! Great timesaver if you have a large website!!!
With MUNAX you can forget the struggle with organizing your documents. The same goes for objects like html links and directory entries for images, movie files, sound files, executables, compressed files and email addresses.
Music Album Downloads is a software that search and download music files. Download music files by categories and name.
Music Download Service is a software that search and download music files. Download music files by categories and name.
Music Downloader is a software that search and download music files. Download music files by categories and name.