Outlook 2000/2002 COM add-in for Exchange Server users who need to send mail from a second mailbox. The add-in ensures that messages sent with the second mailbox's From address stay in the Sent Items of the second mailbox.
On networks - block KaZaA, block MSN Messenger, block Buddy, block Yahoo Messenger, block AOL messenger, block Instant Messenger, block Morpheus, block messenger, block iMesh, block Limewire, block Grokster, block chat, block online games
(FOR AUSTRALIAN WEATHER ONLY) Polls latest Weather Stats at intervals you choose. Data is displayed in a micro banner or System Tray text display (like the clock).
Scheduled monitor on website changes and informs you if new info appears. Has many features.
Web Cal Plus is an HTML Calendar Generation system. Simply enter your events and Web Cal Plus will generate the HTML code. Attractive multi-color calendars including 12-month year calendars, single month and daily calendars.
Web Kitchen is a suite of extensions that make Dreamweaver or Ultradev even more powerful and productive. Provides 17 professional objects, commands and inspectors for expert Dreamweaver webmasters.
It's an easy to use email server software and web mail server, allows you to send and receive emails across the Internet and has supports for client email applications such as Outlook etc and ASP web mail. Supports for ESMTP and multiple domains.
The Web Menu builder allows you to create professional looking Web menu/navigation.You can define your own custom style, Icons, Borders styles, and many more ...
Web Publisher is an automated FTP client that allows you to upload and update your web site easily. Web Publisher can automatically find and upload new and modified files with one mouse click.
Connect to the countless live webcams on the Internet, and view the images as your screen saver - complete with image captions, transitions and background MP3 music. Save your favorite images as desktop wallpaper! Monitor traffic and weather!
WebcamMail makes the video file very small and easy to transmit even with a 56k modem with an impeccable image quality. The streaming video files created by WebcamMail are Windows Media compatible and can be opened on receiver's computer easily.
The visual Chat and browser where the Chat Room are Internet sites - Java(tm) WebChat - all INTERNET is HERE !!!, and free.
Easily create relational databases online. Interface provides the admin a point-and-click path through: building tables; designing search pages, reports and forms; managing records; and defining member accounts. Customize w/ any HTML editor.
Search the web with over 80 search engines grouped into 18 categories and two channels straight from the windows system tray.
A powerful web page editor including a fully-featured editor to give you full control over your code, a full-blown web-server powered preview allowing you to preview CGI scripts as well as static web pages, and a vast array of time saving functions.
Multi server connections, unlimited number.
Drag and Drop interface. Upload and Download.
Direct Server to Server Transfers.
Batch functions for downloading, uploading and
deletion of complete directory structures.
WebIndex is an Internet cataloguing/filtering system that compiles web-links (URLs) in to a complete set of HTML pages for easy browsing. WebIndex has primarily be designed for use in schools and colleges. Requires no HTML knowledge from the user.
Webm8 fills Internet forms in a flash and gives ONE click access to web sites with Log-On screens.
HTML Compiler that packages HTML pages, linked images, sounds, video and fonts in a single, stand-alone, encrypted file. An ebook can be compiled with some pages freely viewable and some restricted.
An illustrated encyclopedia of free web resources, with descriptions, links and upgrade costs. This PDF format book brings together a categorized list of many resources for the website designer, available free of charge, or at very lost cost.