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 Send Bulk SMS Text 6.7.3 ($69)
by Send Bulk Sms 
   Download Send Bulk SMS software from to transmit infinite number of messages from computer to any mobile number globally.

 Send Bulk SMS Tool for Professional 6.9.8 ($69)
by Send Bulk Sms 
   Company provides proficient quality Send Bulk SMS software is used to compose and forward single and multiple messages worldwide to any mobile from computer system by connecting any windows or GSM based cell phone without any extra expert guidance.

 Send Bulk Text SMS Software 6.8.2 ($49)
by Send Bulk Sms 
   Send Bulk Text SMS software is accessible on link address enables user to send bulk text messages to several phone book contact numbers by connecting GSM phone from pc.

 Send Free SMS GSM Mobile ($49)
by SMS 
   Visit that suggest Send Free SMS GSM Mobile tool provides facility to delivers thousands of text messages to individual or multiple people via connect GSM mobiles with PC.

 Send SMS GSM Mobile 6.6.9 ($45)
by Send Bulk Sms 
   Highly configured Send SMS GSM Mobile software allows user to communicate with customers, clients, business partners, targeted audience etc by sending bulk text messages from personal computer system to various mobile numbers.

 Send To Phone 2.1 (Free)
by Excode Software 
   Send polyphonic ringtones, images, and other files to your mobile phone without any cables and adapters! With "Send to Phone", you can transfer files with a few mouse clicks.

 Sentry-go Quick Server Monitor 4.1 ($89)
by 3Ds (UK) Limited 
   Easily monitor your Microsoft Windows Server, take automatic action and/or alert you to issues if they arise. Checks include services, processes, disk space, performance, event logs & network connectivity. Quick & easy to install, configure & manage.

 SEO Software Tools 1.0.0 ($0)
by Oliver Allen 
   These comprehensive tools will give you effective website promotion and will allow you to get the higheset search engine positions that will give you more targeted web traffic and web sales.

 SEOSmart Future PR 1.0 (Free)
by started work under the best freeware package of handy SEO tools. First released tool called Future PageRank. It checks 19(!) Google data centers for PageRank and allow you watch PR dynamics for your site (or your peers site)!

 Server Nanny Network Monitor 2.35 ($249.00)
by Xenos Software LLC 
   Server Nanny network server monitoring software saves you time and money by monitoring important servers and network devices, notifying you of problems, and even correcting problems before they get out of control.

 ServerHunter 1.0.1 ($0)
by A-Network lab 
   Lightweight, simple network scanner and monitor for home LAN and Internet. The program has ultra speed scanner, search of words in servers parameters, sound and visual notifications. It will be useful for home and corporate network use.

 ServerRadar Server Monitor 5.1.1 ($399.95)
by ServerRadar Computing 
   ServerRadar is a powerful and easy to use server monitoring software. It can monitor your web server, mail server, ftp server, Database server and DNS server. Immediate notification in the event of server errors and HTML reports are also available.

 Servers Alive 6.0.2056 ($199.00)
by bvba Woodstone 
   Servers Alive automatically monitors critical server functions and processes even when data center is closed. Notification features alert you when problems strike. Create scripted response scenarioes that execute when alarms are triggered.

 Service Hawk 2.1 ($179.00)
by Wingenuity, Inc. 
   Keep your Windows Services up and running! Service Hawk is a Windows Services monitoring application for the Windows XP/2000/2003/Vista platforms that will monitor your Windows Services, restart them, notify you immediately, and log the interruption.

 SeXstazy 3.0 ($0)
by Fiesta Group, Ltd. 
   SeXstazy is the Unique Software Tool for seeking, downloading and previewing erotic (mainly but not only) pictures from UseNet. It can look trough a range of Usenet servers for pictures that response you taste.

 Shadow ICQ Marketer light 5.2 ($49.99)
by ShadowICQ Group 
   Our software - helps you to get access to 100+ Million ICQ users instantly (and the number is ever increasing). Your advertising message is instantly received

 Shareaza (Free)
by OS Development 
   Multi-network peer-to-peer file-sharing client supporting Gnutella2, Gnutella1, eDonkey2000/eMule and BitTorrent protocols. Using C++, MFC and ATL, for Windows.

 Shareaza (Free)
by Shareaza Development Team 
   Shareaza is a spyware free P2P file-sharing client that connects to four modern networks: G2, Gnutella, eDonkey2000, and BitTorrent. Shareaza has a customizable interface, advanced search, corrupt file detection, user ratings, media player, and more.

 Shareaza Faster Downloads 1.0.1 (Free)
by SuperAcceleratorSoftware 
   Shareaza Faster Downloads is a potent add-on to Shareaza P2P application. Most modern technology used augment download speed and enlarges the amount of download sources.

 Shareaza PRO 3.2.3 (Free)
   Shareaza Pro is a free Windows-based peer-to-peer client which empowers users to share, search for and download any type of media files on most poplar P2P network protocols including Gnutella, Gnutella2, eDonkey/eMule, BitTorrent.

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