This tool can process any web form, makes all validation, handle file uploads, send email to form owner with all submitted data, send personalized auto respond email to visitor, store submitted data in a flat text file or in a mysql database
This tool can process any web form, makes all validation , handle File uploads, send email to form owner with all fields data, send a personalized email to your visitor (auto responder) and store form data in a text file or in a Mysql database
phpAdBoard is For Sale/Wanted classified ads system, which includes everything needed to run your high quality, maintenance free market-place on the internet.
phpAdBoard Pro includes everything needed to run your own High Quality, maintenance free market-place on the Internet with the addition of anIntegrated User Management System.
phpDatingClub is a perfect choice to start a fully automated dating service and add functionality and appeal to your web site; highly scalable, can support over 100,000 members; quick and easy installation; more than 37 field types for each user;
phpForumPro is a fast and powerful, password protected private discussion forum application built with the industry standard PHP scripting languageand powered by the MySQL database engine.
phpGreetCards is a full featured, completely automated Web Application that allows your website visitors to have fun creating and sending electronicPostcards to their family and friends.
phpWebDirectory is a full-featured Web Directory Application, which includes Easy Installation with the help of user-friendly installation wizard and everything needed to create your own fully customizable, Internet WebsiteDirectory.
phpWebDirectory Pro is a full-featured Web Directory Application, which includes an integrated User Management system and Easy Installation with thehelp of user-friendly installation wizard and everything needed to create Web Directory
Find, view, download and manage millions of pictures from the web automatically and easily. Set the filter profile and specify a web address, and Picaloader follows every link to get the pictures you want, including Javascript, VBScript and Jscripts.
PICgrabber is a powerful yet simple to use program that will search and download pictures, movies and mp3's from the internet - fully automatically!
Just type in some keywords, and press start...
How to hide IP address? Anonymous web surfing (with hidden IP) requires valid anonymous proxy server. Lookup and checking of anonymous proxies can be very tedious and annoying task. Free Pick-a-Proxy Toolbar makes this process simple and funny.
Free Web-enabled E-commerce Shopping Software and Personals Match tool. PickyPic makes it easier to find buy, sell and announce people, places & things by showing photos from ads posted from shopping, auctions, classified ads, and dating.
Automatically downloads images from "Picture of the Day" sites, such as the many "Cartoon of the Day" or "Babe of the Day" sites and displays then as your desktop wallpaper, also includes support for displaying them as your screen saver.
Thousands of free pictures can be downloaded from the Usenet newsgroups, but it takes a lot of effort without the right tool. Using Picture Patrol Officer XP, your computer performs this task automatically without requiring much of your time.
Picture2Web is an application for creating a web picture gallery. The program is simple enough to requires only a single click to create a professional-looking gallery in seconds, yet gives total flexibility to the more demanding webmaster.
Download free pictures from the Internet. PictureCatcher allows you to select the type of pictures by channel and will automatically download, catalog, thumbnail and display the pictures for your viewing pleasure.
Grab, download, share and organize Flash, Quicktime or any other video, pictures or files you find on websites in a single click. Use this Download Manager, IE or Firefox toolbar and FloatBar to grab movies, zoom pics in your browser and share stuff.
Grab, download, share and organize Flash, Quicktime or any other video, pictures or files you find on websites in a single click. Use this Download Manager, IE or Firefox toolbar and FloatBar to grab movies, zoom pics in your browser and share stuff.
PingCOPA, aids network monitoring and diagnosis with email and speech support. PingCOPA installs on all 32 bit Microsoft Windows operating systems (except 95). Speech is only available on systems with the Microsoft Text-to-speech engine installed.