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Sdictionary is a universal multifunctional dictionary viewer that uses the exclusively developed Sdict dictionary format. The Sdictionary community provides a variety of freely distributed dictionary bases.
SederetBrowser is another web browser interface. Built with small size interface and always on top other application, it's easy to use. Like real web browser, you must always connect to internet in order to use this application.
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SelftestEngine is self-assessment software for professionals and students to prepare for certification exams quickly and effectively. It contains realistic exams questions so that you get a complete picture of actual exam that you will encounter.
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SEVENPAR calculaties exact parameter sets for the Spatial Helmert or Molodensky Transformation with seven or three parameters, which are used for accurate geodetic datum shifts between different reference systems for coordinate transformations.
The program produces a set with seven parameters of the sapatial Helmert transformation valid for an specific area, with which then arbitrary coordinates of the area can be transformed from one reference system into another with high accuracy.
SEVENPAR calculaties exact parameter sets for the Spatial Helmert or Molodensky Transformation with seven or three parameters, which are used for accurate geodetic datum shifts between different reference systems for coordinate transformations.
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Shop'NCook Cookbook Reader is a free software to read the cookbooks created with Shop'NCook Shopping List & Recipe Manager software. Shop'NCook Reader makes it easy to share your cookbooks. View and search the recipes, print recipe cards.
Shop'NCook Cookbook Reader is a free software to read the cookbooks created with Shop'NCook Shopping List & Recipe Manager software. View the recipes of the cookbooks and search them by title and categories, print them and export them to the cli
Song, message and bible display software that is easy to use and very easy to read especially with smooth scrolling (like TV credits). It automatically displays songs and presentations in the format you have set and changing this is fast and easy.
First left click on the red Go arrow in the lower right corner of this window and the Shultz Table will appear. Your main strategy is to softly look at the red dot in the center of the table and continue to see this cent
Wide eyes develop speed reading
Wide eyes develop speed reading. Our eyes have their clearest vision in the central zone of view. Everything that lies outside this central zone is seen as a frog would see it. This broad field of vision makes the searching process shorter. It is pos
Wide eyes develop speed reading
Silicon Slate Software is computer lab management software and desktop management software for k-12 school computer labs and classrooms.
This game test your memory, and, ultimately, your sanity. The object of the game is to memorize sequence of lights. On that note, does anyone remember those Simon commercials in the '80s?