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This easy to use, yet powerful multisensory web browser, helps you read the web and other text by reading it to you. It also highlights words as they are read, in a font and background colour of your choice. Perfect if you have a lot to read.
Read with ease, comfort and 42% faster! ReadPal takes your documents (Text, Word, Outlook and Internet) and presents the text in a way that is much easier to absorb and fast to read. Download "The on-screen reading breakthrough of the decade" now.
Be lazy and let Read To Me do all the work for you while your web pages are read aloud. The words are neatly underlined as you read along. Simple to use, just double click on the first word of the page you would like read.
ReadWrite Arabic introduces the standard Arabic alphabet-writing system. In fifteen lessons each of the core 28 Arabic consonants are introduced including a number of examples of each, all with audio recordings of their pronunciations.
ReadWrite Chinese teaches the 1000 most frequently characters. The program features a flashcard-like review, and a number of exercises to assess progress. Also included is stroke order animation and an interactive stroke order practice exercise.
ReadWrite Chinese teaches the 1000 most frequently characters. The program features a flashcard-like review, and a number of exercises to assess progress. Also included is stroke order animation and an interactive stroke order practice exercise.
ReadWrite Hiragana teaches the Japanese hiragana alphabet. Lessons include a structured introduction to each letter with examples of its pronunciation
READWRITE KANJI teaches the complete 1945 kanji characters. The program features a flashcard-like review, and a number of exercises to assess progress. Also included is stroke order animation and an interactive stroke order practice exercise.
ReadWrite Russian teaches the Russian alphabet. Lessons include a structured introduction to each letter with over 200 audio examples of their pronunciation.
Training of foreign languages on examples.
- on his/her own selects any text in a foreign language (at least one sentence)
- reads the text into a microphone
- then listens to what he/she has read
- types (prints on a keyboard) what he/she hears
Study Software organize your Text/Ink notes as diagrams for learning faster and studying faster. Tests you, tracks results and revises accordingly. Predicts time needs. Easy to draw, import images, and record sounds. Offers tips and memory info.
Recite Chinese words can be played automatically on the top of the computer screen, so when you work, study and play on the computer , you can master all kinds of Chinese words to increase Your Chinese vocabulary unconsciously, easily.
Recite French words can be played automatically on the top of the computer screen, so when you work, study and play on the computer , you can master all kinds of French words to increase Your French vocabulary unconsciously, easily.
Recite German words can be played automatically on the top of the computer screen, so when you work, study and play on the computer , you can master all kinds of German words to increase Your German vocabulary unconsciously, easily.
Recite Italian words can be played automatically on the top of the computer screen, so when you work, study and play on the computer , you can master all kinds of Italian words to increase Your Italian vocabulary unconsciously, easily.
Recite Japanese words can be played automatically on the top of the computer screen, so when you work, study and play on the computer , you can master all kinds of Japanese words to increase Your Japanese vocabulary unconsciously, easily.
Recite Russian words can be played automatically on the top of the computer screen, so when you work, study and play on the computer , you can master all kinds of Russian words to increase Your Russian vocabulary unconsciously, easily.
Recite Spanish words can be played automatically on the top of the computer screen, so when you work, study and play on the computer , you can master all kinds of Spanish words to increase Your Spanish vocabulary unconsciously, easily.
CurveFitter program performs statistical regression analysis to estimate the values of parameters for linear, multivariate, polynomial, exponential and nonlinear functions.