Necromancers Software Collection

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Business - Finance

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 xls.comparison 3.3 ($378)
   Likeoffice xls.comparison is a unique program which lets you analyze differences in Excel documents. It does Logical and Visual comparison.

 Yahoo Messenger Keylogger ($45)
by Pen drive data recovery 
   Keyboard monitoring software operates in spy mode, records all the keyboard action occurred like windows login passwords, user name, active window text as well as visited URLs and typing activities in all messengers including YAHOO, MSN and Gmail.

 Z-20 2011 ($325)
by FX Option, CO. 
   Z-20 - The Z-20 SYSTEM is a Set & Forget System. It is based on the Asian Breakouts.

 Zam??wie?„ ($45)
by Zam??wie?„ 
   Zarz?…dzanie freeware aplikacji, kt??re u?‚atwiaj?… u??ytkownikom biznesowym samodzielne tworzenie i zarz?…dzanie sprzeda?? / raporty zakup??w skutecznie.

 Zam??wienia ($45)
by Zam??wienia 
   P?‚atno?›ci oprogramowania na b?‚?™dy zaj?™cia i sprzeda??y do wykorzystania w ka??dej firmie. Zarz?…dzania klientami Program raport??w generowanych z transakcji finansowych.

 Zilch Standard - Debt Reduction 3.0 ($39.95 )
by ZilchWorks  
   Rapid debt reduction software. Very powerful. Saves you thousands of dollars. Simply enter the name, annual percentage rate, starting balance and monthly payment for each of your debts and Zilch does the rest. No financial expertise is required.

 Zip Background 1.0 ($39.95)
by top-products 
   Enter the ZIP code and the fist letter of last name of the person you are searching .Immediately get any background information including full address and phone , full financial records history , full personal government records and more.

 ZIPCodeWorld United States Desktop Application 2.0 ($0)
   ZIPCodeWorld United States Desktop is a free standalone Windows application that allows instant detection of geographical data in United States by using ZIP Code search. Users can perform 90 queries per month using Free account.

 ZoomChart 3.08 ($)
by Ural Beacon Ltd 
   ZoomChart - the interactive charting tool for your website ZoomChart is a powerful Java applet for charting data on the internet. Simply integrate your data with our plug and play software for charting content in minutes.

 fixgw v 1.00 r 18 ($850 )
by Octatec  
   FixGateway - A FIX Engine supporting FIX versions 4.0, 4.1, 4.2, 4.3 (including FIXML). The package includes a C++ and Active X API. C# and JAVA APIs are available separately, as is an SSL integration kit.

 SBledger v 1.00 r 2.1 ($80 )
by Octatec  
   SBledger is a simple to use Ledger Maintenance program designed to record the daily Income and Expense Items of a small (U.K. based) business. It's main feature is its ability produce VAT reports in a form that matches the quarterly return.

 SBpayroll v 1.00 r 2.12 ($95 )
by Octatec  
   A Small (U.K. based)Business Payroll System. SBpayroll addresses the U.K. Tax and National Insurance calculation and recording tasks required by the Inland Revenue when employing workers, i.e. running a PAYE scheme.

 TennisManager 5.0 ($200 )
   full featured application to manage your tennis- or squashcenter free help from the developers for purchasers free updates for purchasers

 TVPX 1031 Depreciation Solution 3.0 ($9.95 )
by Time Value Property Exchange  
   TVPX 1031 Depreciation Solution is an extremely easy way to calculate federal and book depreciation. All depreciation and amortization methods required for federal tax reporting are included in an easy to use calculator format.

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