Necromancers Software Collection

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Utilities - Security

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 Eraser 1.2 ($49.95)
by ERASER INC. - remove trojans, spyware, adware and improve overall security and privacy of your computer.

 ES Kee Pass 1.0.6 ($24,95)
by ES KeePass 
   ES KeePass is a password manager which helps you to manage your passwords in a secure way. You can put all your passwords in one database, which is locked with one master key or a key-disk. So you only have to remember one single master password.

 es Web Form SPAM Protection 1.3 ($24.95)
by eniksoft 
   Web Form SPAM Protection is an utility, which protects forms against to be scaned, analysed and used to send SPAM emails. It encodes source code of form, so that form spiders can't work with it and can't use it to distribute SPAM emails.

 ESP Monitoring & Keylogger 2.0 (Free)
by Horizon DataSys Inc. 
   ESP+ Monitoring is an transparent easy-to-use monitoring and surveillance tool for personal PCs. ESP+ captures all users activity on the PC - including screen capturing for visual surveillance.

 Esp Vision 5.02 ($19.95)
by Horizon DataSys Inc. 
   ESP is powerful and can be used for monitoring children, students, co-workers, or just about anyone else! ESP+ Monitoring runs hidden in the background so you can monitor whenever you want.

 Essential Security Suite 2.0 ($99.00)
by Essential Security Software 
   Essential Security Suite provides peer to peer digital rights management (DRM), file encryption, digital signatures, secure file deletion and more. Protect outgoing email and file attachments from unauthorized forwarding, copying snd printing.

 ETD Security Scanner 3.0 ($19.95)
by Keenan Solutions 
   ETD Security Scanner effectively scans your entire computer and eliminates all Electronically Transmitted Diseases including spyware, adware, and trojans.

 Ethical Hacker ($45)
by Ethical hacker 
   Advance Ethical Hacker software is specially developed and designed to quickly trace and record all type action performed on Apple machines like email conversation, video chat, visited webpage URLs, Login details, USB device insertion and removal etc

 Eudora Password Recovery 1.1.0 ($22)
by Passcape Software 
   Utility to recover Eudora mail passwords in three different ways. All versions of this popular e-mail client are supported and all types of passwords used in it.

 Evidence Begone - Find out what's hidden on your PC for Free. 1.0 ($39.95)
by MicroSmarts LLC 
   Your Privacy is at Risk. Your PC is recording everything you do online / offline which can be easily recovered many years later. This includes pictures, visited web pages, emails, chats, music downloads and all images you viewed over the Internet.

 Evidence Crypt 5.1 ($99.95)
by Inc. 
   Container and Partition based encryption. Ideal to encrypt USB disks, sticks, secondary disks, partitions, CDs, DVDs, containers etc. Full disk encryption with pre-boot authentication. Ideal to encrypt an entire computer notebook partition.

 Evidence Destructor 2.22 ($59)
by Emailarms 
   Did you know that your computer collects information about where you go on the internet, details on forms you fill up and so on? This information represents danger to you if it is discovered by somebody. To protect yourself, use Evidence Destructor.

 Evidence Eliminator 6.0 ($74.95)
by Exelsus 
   Evidence eliminator is a tool created to protect your life and privacy. A WYSIWYG interface allows you to remove all internet activity evidence from your pc and clean up files in a non recoverable way.

 Evidence Eliminator 5.059 ($99.95)
by Privacy PC 
   Evidence Eliminator is an easy-to-use powerful and flexible data cleaning system for a single-user Microsoft Windows PC or Laptop. Daily use protects you from unwanted data becoming permanently hidden in your PC.

 Evidence Eraser Pro 3.2 ($29.95)
by PC Max Software 
   Evidence Eraser Pro provides privacy and optimizes your PC by erasing the Internet tracks and unwanted files that piles-up on your computer automatically as you browse Internet. It releases your valuable disk space by cleaning the unneeded files.

 Evidence Exterminator 2.764 ($59)
by IM-Soft 
   Evidence Exterminator cleans all PC usage history information. Clean up your cookies, history, temporary internet files, browser's cache, recycle bin, recent documents, and also remove all the temporary files left by your system.

 Evidence Sniper 1.0 ($49.95)
by Evidence Sniper 
   Evidence Sniper is an advanced privacy management tool that removes traces of usage data from your computer. Dont get caught with sensitive data on your system. Snipe incriminating evidence from your PC. Keep the data you need.

 Evidence Sweeper 2.8 ($34.95)
by PrivacyAnywhere Software 
   Evidence Sweeper is the best choice to safely and completely increase system performance and completely clear away your on and off line activities. It's an Internet cleaner, system cleaner, registry cleaner and privacy protector all in one!

 Evidence-Blaster 2006 ($22.95)
by WCCL 
   Evidence-Blaster completely cleans your history, ensuring your computer and Internet use cannot be discovered by anyone EVER. Clear your browser history, erase your cache, selectively delete cookies, wipe out your e-mail history, and much more

 EvidenceCrypt 5.0 ($99.95)
by Inc. 
   Container and Partition based encryption. Ideal to encrypt USB disks, sticks, secondary disks, partitions, CDs, DVDs, containers etc. Full disk encryption with pre-boot authentication. Ideal to encrypt an entire computer notebook partition.

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