Necromancers Software Collection

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Utilities - Security

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 Packman 2.01 (Free)
by United Business Technologies, Inc. 
   Encryption for email and attachments, or store private files on public servers. PackMan (Package Manager) stores files within it's own compressed and ciphered file format. Built in RTF common word processing format, contact manager password mgmt.

 PAL Computer Surveillance System 2004 1.01 ($29.95)
by PAL Solutions Ltd. 
   PAL Computer Surveillance System is the first product of its kind available that allows parents and businesses to engage in on-line surveillance that incorporates a computer monitoring system with the latest web filtering technologies.

 PalmPR 1.0 ($ND)
by Intertraff 
   PalmPR is an Automatic Number Plate Recognition software for Pocket PC. It uses a CF camera to continuously analyses the live picture. Once a license plate is detected the number is recognized and the reading compared with the local database

 PalmTree 3.5 ($0)
   Password protect, lock and hide folders or directories and their subdirectories and files on your PC. Encrypt files with BLOWFISH, CryptAPI. Hide messages in photograph. Stealth email. Encrypt password files and bank. File splitijng.

 Panda Internet Security 2007 11.00.00 ($79.95)
by Panda Software 
   The new Panda Internet Security 2007 is a complete solution that protects your PC against identity theft and attempts to steal your bank details. It also includes protection against viruses, spyware, hackers and other Internet threats. It doubles your PC

 Pandora PC Detective Web Spy 2007 ($49.95)
by Pandora Corp 
   Record all secret passwords and take snapshots of the websites visited, emails sent and received, Instant Messages sent and received, Chat room conversions and other computer and Internet activity that is done on your PC. Easy, VCR-like playback.

 Pangu 1.0.7 (Free)
by SouthSoft 
   pangu hass been released now you can successfully install for iOS 7 jailbreak devises . Pangu will inevitably come in two flavors, there are Windows version and Mac version . Most users of Pangu iOS 7.1.1 jailbreak note that about software it is real

 Paq Keylogger (family key logger) 2.04 (Free)
by Paqtool 
   Paq keyloggers, family key logger keystroke logger monitor and spy your computer activity when you're gone.The spyware recover your typed documents when your word processor crashes. Remember what you chat last week with this spector.

 Paraben's Case Agent Companion 1.0 ($99)
by Paraben Corporation 
   Case Agent Companion is designed to optimize both the time of the forensic examiner and the agent working a case. Built in viewers for over 225 file formats, searching, and reporting make it a comprehensive forensic examination tool.

 Paraben's Chat Examiner 1.0 ($99)
by Paraben Corporation 
   As a forensic examiner, you need a specialized tool to perform a thorough analysis of chat logs. Paraben's Chat Examiner supports ICQ, Yahoo, MSN, Trillian, Hello, Skype, or Miranda for full forensic analysis.

 Paraben's Decryption Collection 2.5 ($495.00)
by Paraben Corporation 
   Recover passwords for over 30 applications. This advanced password recovery suite recovers passwords for Office, Windows XP/2000/NT, Access, Outlook, ZIP, VBA Visual Basic, Acrobat, Quicken, Quickbooks, Money, Lotus, ACT!, Word Perfect, & more.

 Paraben's E-mail Examiner 5.5 ($199)
by Paraben Corporation 
   Forensically examine & analyze over 13 e-mail archives. Complete a comprehensive computer forensic examination of active and deleted e-mail. Use it as an email viewer, search tool, or even an archive tool. Run statistics, reports, and more.

 Paraben's Forensic Replicator 4.0 ($189.00)
by Paraben Corporation 
   Create bit-by-bit forensic images of hard drives, floppy disks, CDs, and other electronic media for forensic analysis, backup, drive imaging, or archiving. Acquire, compress, segment, and restore your imaged media in lightening speed.

 Paraben's Forensic Sorter 2.0.1 ($169.00)
by Paraben Corporation 
   Sort the contents of entire hard drives into categories such as video, audio, spreadsheets, etc. so you can easily find what you're looking for. Filter out common Windows files, recover deleted files or file fragments.

 Paradox Password 1.0 ($19)
by Thegrideon Software 
   Paradox Password allows you to recover passwords which Paradox databases (tables) are protected with. Program works with all version and types of Paradox database (tables, indexes) files: .DB; .PX; .Xnn; .XGn; .YGn...

 Parent Control ($49)
by Parent control 
   Key logger monitoring tool monitor of all computer user activity like chatting with friend, online watching movies, typing the text, internet surfing and access any application. User can save personal data and file by best use of key logger software.

 Parental Control ($49)
by Parental control 
   Innovative Parental Control software is available at url to record all typed or pressed keystrokes of external users on your system in hidden log file secretly.

 Parental Control ($45)
by Parental control software 
   Parental Control software is a best way to monitor computer activities performed by family members, spouse, employees and kids in secret mode. Keylogging application works in secret mode to capture chat conversation of kids performed in your absence.

 Parental Control Keylogger ($45)
by Data Recovery 
   Professional keyboard surveillance program invisibly monitors and records typed text URL, system startup date, time, session, chat conversations, username id, passwords and other keystroke activities performed on your computer when you are far away.

 Parental Control Keylogger 2.2 ($49.99)
by eMatrixSoft 
   Parental Control Keylogger secrectly logs your kids' Facebook use, chats, emails, website visits, video chat, login name, passwords and more. It supports Windows Live Messenger, Yahoo Messenger, Skype and others. It sends log reports to your email.

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