Necromancers Software Collection

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Utilities - Security

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 Lock Folder XP 3.4 ($24.95)
by Everstrike Software 
   Lock Folder XP is a new security tool that lets you lock your files, folders and drives with your personal password. The program uses advanced encryption algorithm approved by the US Government. Protect your files from hackers, viruses and mischief.

 Lock My Computer 10.0 ($49.95)
by PC-Safety 
   Desktop security solution for personal or publicly accessible computers. It disallows unauthorized changes to various settings of the Windows system, such as Control Panel, Desktop, Local Security Policies, Outlook Express account settings and more.

 Lock my Folder 1.0.0 ($29.95)
by Ptshare 
   Lock my Folder is a new folder password protected software which can help you lock your files, folders and disks with your personal password. Prevent people from viewing, editing, altering your folders as easy as 1-2-3.

 Lock My PC 4.2 ($19.95)
by FSPro Labs 
   Lock My PC acts like a guard on duty, protecting your PC from prying eyes. Just press the hotkey on your keyboard or double-click the TaskTray icon to lock down your PC. Stop worrying that your secrets will be revealed! Download FREE trial now!

 Lock USB ($45)
by Data Recovery Digital Camera 
   Windows network anti theft USB data monitoring utility protect the confidential data from unauthorized access on client machines connected in local area network. USB data protection software performs real time and off line monitoring of all systems.

 LockAnEXE 1.22 (Free)
   LockAnEXE is a program lock and simple EXE securtiy tool that lets you 'lock' down executable files including setup files and prevents them from being opened.

 LockDisk 2.8 (Free)
by Klonsoft 
   Free 256 Bit Encryption Software, Creates multiple encrypted virtual drive to store any type of data. It's powerful encryption ensures that only you can access your data.

 Lockdown Plus PC 4.0 ($49.95)
by Y0YS Software 
   Lockdown Plus PC is a network-based desktop security utility to secure Windows-based computers. It can restrict access to files, folders, local and removable drives, as well as lock down various system settings and resources over network.

 LockDown Rx Software 3.6 ($39.95)
by Horizon DataSys Inc. 
   LockDown Rx's advanced technology prevents users from deleting critical files and applications, making unauthorized changes to the desktop, saving unwanted programs, running disallowed programs, and downloading from Internet Explorer.

 LockEnd 3.0 ($49)
by SoftAhead Inc 
   Lockend has become the ultimate protection management software through continuous modifications and corrections focused on discrimination and perfection of document or information protection.

 LockItNow! 1.2 ($14.95)
   Let your mobile phone lock and unlock your PC. When LockItNow! detects that you are no longer by your PC it locks it, keeping others from accessing it. When you return your PC is automatically unlocked, ready to be used.

 LockMyText 1.1 (Free)
   LockMyText is a text security tool used for sending and receiving private messages and documents securely.

 Lockngo 2.1 ($19)
   Lockngo is the perfect portable media protection software. lockngo hide information you store in USB keys Lockngo runs directly from removable drives with no installation on the pc. A Professional military specification version is also available.

 Lockngo 2.5 ($19)
   Lockngo secures removable drives,flash memory disks and external hard drives by encrypting their file systems and hiding their content. When locked, Lockngo does not allow to write new files and does not show the locked data.

 Lockngo Pro 2.10 ($39)
   Lockngo Professional encrypts and hides your entire removable media content using 64 bit military specification unbreakable encryption. Lockngo runs directly from the removable drive with no installation on the pc.

 LockScreen for PocketPC 1.4 ($8.00)
by LearningToGo 
   LockScreen for Pocket PC - A complete security solution. Lock your device from prying eyes & customize the cover screen with your own photos.

 LockTheFile 1.2 ($28.95)
   LockTheFile helps you to protect the content of your important files from hackers and other users. You may protect any information - text files, pictures, video and audio files from other eyes and ears.

 Logiciel De Surveillance ($49)
by Logiciel de surveillance 
   Logiciel pour piratage est la surveillance professionnelle d'enregistrer l'ensemble des activit?©s informatiques et internet de mani??re l?©gale sans exiger des efforts suppl?©mentaires. Mac Connexion Manager supporte les screenshots de la vid?©

 Login King Password Manager 2007 ($29.95)
by SecureWORK, Inc. 
   Login King is the web's newest and slickest password manager. PC Magazine named it the Best Utility for the Password Manager category. Developed by ex-Microsoft programmers. Wonderfully intuitive. Supports IE & Firefox. Runs great on USB Flash Drives

 Logix Employee Monitor ($30)
by S.C. Logix S.R.L. 
   Logix Employee Monitor is a professional surveillance software, designed to monitor employees??™ activities.

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