PC to mobile messaging software facilitates user to send group text messages to mobile phone nationally or internationally. PC to mobile bulk SMS sender does not require internet connections to send message and support all Windows smart phones.
PC to Mobile SMS utility enable users to economically transform boundless text messages to individual or thousands of receivers in just few minutes.datadoctor allows you to store sent text SMS inform of templates in their computer system.
PC to mobile message sending utility can send unlimited numbers of SMS to any national or international number. Software used to send group SMS alerts for business marketing, product promotion, recruitments information from desktop & laptop computer.
PC to mobile phones SMS software facilitates users to easily communicate with business partners, customers, office colleagues, students, teachers, family members, company employees, friends, audience, relatives etc by sending limitless messages.
Bulk sms text messaging software safely sends job announcement sms (one or many people), personal SMS, occasional messages etc without internet. Bulk sms messenger tool offers unlimited text messaging facility to many contacts in one click.
You can download PC to Mobile Text SMS software from www.mobiletextsms.com which is used to share your view, feedback, thinking, creative ideas, personal, cute text through sending instant messages from laptop.
Highly interactive bulk text SMS software allows you to send your national and international messages just in a click without having internet connection or gateway. PC to SMS program enables you to send large volume of messages to your friends.
Download text messaging software from www.mobiletextsms.com to sends bulk SMS without requiring any internet connection. PC to Windows Mobile SMS software is used to deliver message to relatives and friends in easiest way.
Make FREE pc-to-pc, cheap pc-to-phone, pc-to-fax, phone-to-pc, fax-to-pc, SIP-phone calls over Internet or ISDN/PSTN telephone networks. Use your computer as internet telephone, USB phone, SIP telephone, ISDN phone, FAX, Voicemail.
Download Pocket PC to mobile SMS sending utility to send any number of text messages simultaneously to all GSM or CDMA mobile phones without requiring any internet connection. Mass text messaging tool is also capable to save all sent text messages.
Group text messaging utility can send bulk messages from Pocket PC to mobile phones of all national or international mobile networks. Pocket PC to mobile text messaging software can also broadcast SMS in all languages supported by Unicode character.
PeerMe has developed an instant messaging platform which supports Peer to Peer Voice, PC to PC and PC to handheld voice communications, instant messaging, and peer-to-peer file transfer all over public Internet connections.
Download restoration software from www.datadoctor.org to recover formatted digital graphic and picture from pen drive. Pen Drive Partition Recovery software is used to restore erased music file.
Perl Scripting Tool is a full featured perl development environment
Software allows two-way messaging, allowing recipients to reply and capturing replies for user engagement or audience feedback. Tool generates delivery reports that provide detailed information the status of message delivery for each recipient.
Pexit is a multiprotocol, multiplatform instant messaging and chat client supporting ICQ(tm), AIM(tm), MSN(tm), Yahoo(r), IRC and RSS. Pexit's many features include whiteboards, multiprotocol chat rooms, chat history and alerts.
PhoneBook - It is the electronic address book. Address book can be used for storage of the information about your familiar, friends, corporations, etc. Storage Name, Surname, birthday, the address, home and other.
This unique collection of utilities provides unprecedented connectivity. A phone server to let you connect your telephone line to the Internet. A web server that is also web cam aware ensures you are never left without access to client software.
Remarkable tool simply recovers snaps, images, video clipping even if lost due to virus attacks, human mistakes, software/hardware malfunction, formatted camera drives, improper usage, system generated error massages, improper usage etc effectively.
PHP-Nuke chat addon for 123 Flash Chat is a FREE application, with which you could add a live chat room to your PHP-Nuke easily by integrating PHP-Nuke with the Chat Room Software seamlessly. Features: 1) Show Chat Data in Chat Block; 2) Auto-login.