Necromancers Software Collection

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Business - Project Management

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 MSSQL Server to MySQL Migration ($45)
by Data Wiper 
   Professional database conversion utility provides support to all data types and attributes of MSSQL and MySQL database. Database conversion tool is safe and easy to use utility can migrate entire or selected MSSQL db records to MySQL database server.

 MSSQL to MYSQL Conversion Tool ($45)
by USB Drive Data Recovery 
   MSSQL to MYSQL server database conversion software converts data of table. Utility supports all data types, attributes, primary, unique and foreign key. MSSQL to MYSQL convertor tool supports MSSQL data types and Unicode architecture.

 MSSQL to MySQL Converter ($45)
by File recovery utility 
   MSSQL DB to MySQL server migrator tool transfers entire database records with attributes and constraints into MySQL data type format. MSSQL DB translator utility supports all versions of MSSQL server DB and MySQL database with GUI interface support.

 MSSQL To MySQL Data Base Conversion ($45)
by Best Data Recovery Software 
   Database migration tools safely convert entire table records of MSSQL to MySQL. Database conversion service able to overwrites database contents of MSSQL with existing database of MySQL and compatible with all windows Vista, 2003 server, XP etc.

 MSSQL to MySQL Database Conversion ($45)
by Database Conversion Software 
   MSSQL to MySQL Db migration tool converts different structural data records like indexes, null value, key constraints, default value and multibyte character sets. Microsoft SQL to MySQL Db conversion software provides high speed conversion solution.

 MSSQL to MySQL Database Migration ($38)
by Data Restore 
   Database migration application is easy to use and safely make new MySQL database record from MSSQL database. MSSQL to MySQL database conversion service helps you to transfer database records from MSSQL to MySQL server.

 Multi Project Planner 2.1 ($148)
by Adaptive Planning Tools 
   Multiple concurrent projects competing for shared resources is at the very focus. The project activities are booked on a schedule, common to all work teams. I.e. the Gantt charts of the projects are superimposed upon this common schedule.

 My Time Card 1.6 ($19.95)
by Surprise Software 
   Track your hours worked with My Time Card for one or many jobs. Keep a record of when you worked and export or print your data quickly for reference.

 MyLife Small Business Organizer Suite 5.85 ($69.99)
by PowerHouse Software Co. 
   A comprehensive suite of over 20 Organizer programs for small businesses. These small and efficient programs will improve employee productivity. Helps the small company stay ahead by better organization, planning, documenting, account analysis etc.

 MySQL Database Converter ($45)
by Data Recovery Software 
   MySQL to MSSQL database attribute migration software converts source database records into MSSQL server format. MySQL database migration tool converts key constraints primary keys, property values, indexes and null values of source tables

 MySQL Database To MSSQL Converter Ex ($45)
by Password recovery 
   MySQL database to MSSQL converter software facilitates to convert entire database or individual table records of MySQL into Microsoft SQL database server. Database migration tool supports Unicode architecture and maintains complete data integrity.

 MySQL Database to MSSQL Server Converter ($45)
by Data Recovery Services 
   MySQL to MSSQL db converter software converts entire database or individual table records of MySQL into MSSQL database. Database conversion tool convert database from MySQL to MSSQL by creating new MSSQL database or overwrite existing table records.

 MySQL to Excel Converter ($45)
by Database converter software 
   MySQL database to MS Excel conversion tool is fast, reliable and cost-effective utility that easily converts MySQL database records into MS Excel spreadsheet format in short time. Db converter supports all major versions of MySQL server database.

 MySQL to MS Access Database Converter ($29)
by MySQL to MS Access database converter 
   Advance My SQL to MS Access Database Converter application designed to get desire output of entire merging database record. Simply and easy to use conversion program provide automatic transfer recorded data into Microsoft Access Database format.

 MySQL to MS Excel ($29)
by Database conversion software 
   Professional MySQL database to MS Excel conversion software converts your whole MySQL data or selected table records into Microsoft Excel spreadsheet. Database migratory program does not disturb the properties of database and maintains DB integrity.

 MySQL to MSSQL ($45)
by Pen drive data recovery 
   Mysql to MSSQL migration software converts whole database or selected tables with attributes, table constraints and multibyte characters into MSSQL server. DB translator maintains database identity and structure after converting Mysql DB into MSSQL.

 MySQL To MSSQL Conversion Tool ($45)
by Best data recovery software 
   MySQL database to MSSQL migrator can transform large or complex database from source db to destination db. MySQL to MSSQL conversion software migrate all attributes and data types including primary, unique key constraints, default value, null value.

 MySQL to MSSQL Conversion Tool ($45)
by Memory card data recovery 
   Windows MySQL database conversion software converts rows and columns of MySQL db to MSSQL database records. Database converter tool supports all data types, primary or foreign keys and default null value constraints of MySQL and Microsoft SQL server.

 MySQL to MSSQL DB Converter 5.0.1 ($45.00)
by Database migration software 
   Database converter software converts MySQL database tables and selected data into MSSQL Server. Database conversion utility is compatible with all windows platform 98, ME, NT, 2000, 2003 server, XP and Vista operating system.

 MySQL to MSSQL Migration Software ($45)
by Undelete Software 
   Best database migration software provides facility to convert complete records or selected number of tables from MySQL to MSSQL database server. DB converter application supports all keys constraints (primary, foreign key etc) and other attributes.

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