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Internet - Browsers

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 IE WebDeveloper 2.0.1 ($79)
by IEInspector Software 
   IE WebDeveloper is an IE add-on. The rich web debugging toolset allows you to inspect and edit the live HTML DOM, evaluate expressions and display error messages, explore source code of webpage and monitor DHTML Event and HTTP Traffic

 IEBMaker 1.2 ($39.95)
by Spanto Soft S.L. 
   IEBMaker creates Internet Explorer bars. The software generates a small executable file that you can distribute to your customers. With this executable, your customers can install or uninstall your IE bar onto their systems with ease.

 IElogin 2.02 ($35)
by Datastead 
   IElogin saves you having to enter your usernames and passwords each time you visit web pages that requires authentication. IElogin fill-out instantly the login page for you and you are automatically transported to the authenticated page.

 IEMonitor 2.4 ($19.95 )
by NovaWisdom  
   When you browse internet, normally you open more than one browser window, and click one by one in the task bar to see which window is done. IEMonitor will monitor the Downloading Status of each window,,also can delete IE Tracks,i.e. history,cookies

 IENavigator 2.0.18 ($9.95)
by SoftInform 
   Managing IE windows! Clear all tracks of your online activities! Translating web pages into various languages and web pages voicing! Quick Groups and loading multiple pages with a single click! URL aliases! Saving and loading lists of IE pages!

 IERescuer 1.2.23 ($19.99)
by Pilot Group Ltd 
   Repair Internet Explorer with One Click. Trouble-free tool to restore IE pages. Restore lost data if Internet Explorer crashes. You won't have to re-enter any information. You can open any last visited pages.

 IESizer 0.01 (Free)
   Webmasters - test your sites in different resolutions with one click. Use standard 640x480, 800x600, 1024x768, 1280x1024, 1600x1200 and one custom resolutions. Software Search - software and screensavers search directly from browser with 2 click.

 IESizer ToolBar SharewareMatrix Edition 0.05 (Free)
   View and test sites with different size of webbrowser window with one click. Use standard (as monitor resolution) 640x480, 800x600, 1024x768, 1280x1024, 1600x1200 and one custom size. Find software in World with your toolbar.

 IESnap 1.0 ($14.95 )
by Tonec Inc.  
   IESnap is an Internet Explorer plugin intended to make snapshots of web pages and save resulting image to file.

 IEToggle 1.14 (Free)
by Measurement And Conversion Software 
   IEToggle instantly retrieves and pops to forefront, the Internet Explorer browser instance(s) running a specific web site or web application, with just a single mouse click on an icon in the system tray, or a hotkey press.

 iMacros for Firefox (Free)
by iMacros WebSite Testing and Web Scraping 
   iMacros relieves the repetition of checking on the same sites every day, remembering passwords and filling out web forms or web scraping. Web professionals can use the software for functional testing and regression web testing of web applications.

 Image Downloader 1.0a ($19.95 )
by VPC Technologies  
   Image Downloader is a program for the Microsoft Windows operating systems family that is thought to help people download as many images as possible with less mouse clicks as possible, for Internet Explorer 5 and 6.

 Image Zoom 1.50 ($20.00)
by eTopping Software 
   Image Zoom is a plug-in for Internet Explorer. It is a quick and convenient tool to enlarge and view the small images.

 ImageFans 1.60 ($29.95)
by Klonsoft 
   ImageFans is an image search and management program that can search and download images from Internet. It has an internal image finder and image downloader.

 ImageGrabDummy! 2.1 ($24.95)
by ksoft 
   ImageGrabDummy! is an image search collector and gallery which can download hundreds of pictures of any kind from the web, displaying them in an instant preview. ImageGrabDummy! contains advanced filters to block out advertisement images and an autoprevie

 iMiser Web Organizer 2.4 ($29.95)
by AdviceSoft LLC 
   Add Permanence to the Web with this award-winning software! Save and organize Web pages, links, e-mail, images, selected text, newsgroup messages, and more. Save txt, html, rtf, doc, and pdf files. Add saved data to iMiser Favorites with one click.

 Improve my Search Rankings 1.1 (Free)
by Improve my Search Rankings 
   This browser toolbar gives you quick access to RankAngel's page ranking service. RankAngel is a service that monitors and graphs your search rankings. This helps you improve your search engine rankings by providing you with a benchmark of performance

 inBookmarks 1.54 ($29.95)
by hexilesoft 
   inBookmarks is a powerful bookmark solution. It allows you to store, organize, comment and check you Internet pages. It has many powerful facilities that replace and compliment the browser's bookmark management systems.

 Increase Web Site Traffic 2.0 (Free)
by Richard Legg 
   MyInstantTraffic will help you increase web site traffic and get more visitors to your site. Best of all, the increased visitors to your site won't cost you a penny.Increase Web Site Traffic

 Incredi IE Manager 1.1 ($30)
by IE Manager 
   Incredi IE Manager is an unique tool for managing in a new and comfortable way the use of Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.5 and above. Enhance the capabilities of your browser to a different level with this multi functional, easy to use program.

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