Easy File Manager 1.5 
Easy File Manager is a package to manage files on you site. This script will help you organize own file directory. If you need users upload files on you server in own directories - this package for you. You can limit users to file size and file extension that can use! Now you don't need to send large files on e-mail - you can upload it to server and your users can download them. You could create unlimited user accounts to your file directory and quickly manage them. Your users could create own sites on your server! Script allows archive files and folders and send file to e-mail - you don't need download file to send it somebody - script make it itself. Need to find a file on your host? Our script can find files and directories instead your ftp manager. It helps you to manage your site!
Easy File Manager v1.5 provides the following features:
Simple in install
Unlimited user accounts
Upload files
Delete files
Rename files
Create files
Create directories
Delete directories
Archive directories
Archive files
Change permission to file and directories
Send files to e-mail
Copy files
Search files
Download files
Directory tree
Your users can work only at own direcrory
Disallow user to use only file types from your list
Allow user to use only file types from your list
Limit file size and file types on user account
Password protected Administration area
Central management password required to gain access.
Easy web based administration, all management is done through your browser.
Full control on script variables via web form
Pretty administrative interface
Compatible with Unix based servers.
Quick in work
Fast control
Low cost
Professional installation is totaly free
And many other!
Release Date:
24 KB
Program type:
Shareware Cost: $19.95 Online order: purchase Review: Click here |