Memory 2.0 
This is an excellent shape puzzle game you'll have hours of fun with. So get your memory ready!
In this game a number of cards are put on the table upside down. Each card has a shape on the face. A click on a card makes it flip over letting you see the shape on it. But no more than two cards can be shown at a time. This means when you click a third card, the first two will flip over again, so you can't see them anymore. Only two cards have a specific shape. Your job is to memorize the position of each shape and find its pair. If the shapes of two cards you click on are the same, they disappear and a shape of a tick mark appears instead. The game ends when all of the cards disappear. In the end if you've completed the game in a timely manner, you win and you're name is added to the "Best Times" list.
There are 3 levels (easy, Intermediate, hard) and 4 shape sets: (animals, fruits-vegetables, kids, office stationary).
Release Date:
56 KB
Program type:
Freeware Cost: $0 Review: Click here |
Requirements: 8-bit display