Zoom Studio - Home Edition 2.20 
Inzomia Zoom Studio 2 is an easy to use graphics software for the web, optimized for high resolution digital photographs. View and create web ready zoomable image galleries, animations and much more from any source of photos or images. View your photos or images with interactive filtered zoom locally or from the web pages you create with Zoom Studio 2. Create and generate html zoom galleries and slideshows from your photos with ease. Zoom Studio 2 Home Edition includes ten different types of image zoom galleries, each highly customizable through list selections. For more advanced users there is the possibility to add your own html or JavaScript code to any gallery. Zoom Studio 2 makes it easy to manage photos. It supports jpeg file information compatible with Adobe Photoshop. Add interesting captions and copyright notices to your photos and images, then create zoomable image galleries for the web displaying file information including caption. The folder image function lets you set thumb nail image folders for categories in your image catalog. The animation tool makes it easy to create smooth animations from single photos or images. Creating single image movies is both fun and gives impressive results. Published on the web, the animation will only be a few bytes larger than the original photo or image file. The conversion tool lets you add zoom capability to existing photos on html pages with the click of a button. Convert your site from using static images to using dynamic, interactive photos and images in a couple of seconds - without writing even a single line of html code. Publish your work and share your zoom galleries with friends & family - play around with your photos. Zoom Studio is a must have tool if you own a digital camera, scanner or any other imaging or image capture equipment. Relive your recent holiday or vacation by sharing with others over the net. Zoom Studio 2 is simple and fun to use, give it a try!
Release Date:
4651 KB
Program type:
Shareware Cost: $39 Online order: purchase Review: Click here |
Requirements: dx3 or later, IE 5.5 or later