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  Publisher Tracking Information Barcode  Click this icon to download
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International Standard Book Number (ISBN) is 13-digit number assigned to each edition and variation of book, used by booksellers, libraries, and other organizations to identify and track books. Publisher's barcode typically includes the ISBN and a 5-digit extension, called the EAN or UPC, which identifies the book's edition and format. Other information in publisher's barcode includes the book's price, country of origin, and the publisher's name and logo. This information allows for efficient inventory tracking, stock management, and sales transactions. Publisher's barcode is unique combination of bars and spaces that identifies book produced by publisher. It is based on the International Standard Book Number (ISBN), unique numeric identifier assigned to each edition and variation of book. Barcode is printed on book cover or dust jacket, scanned when sold, and automatically recorded in bookseller's inventory management system for efficient restocking and ordering. Publishers barcode software is tool used to identify and track book's movement through the publishing and distribution process. Barcode is uses International Standard Book Number (ISBN), a unique numeric identifier, to generate corresponding barcode. Barcode is then scanned by a scanner, retrieved from the bookseller's database, and verified by bookseller. This data is automatically recorded in bookseller's inventory management system. Publishers use barcodes like ISBN, EAN, Code 39, Code 128, and QR Codes to manage inventory, track sales, and distribute products. Barcodes encode 13-digit numbers, alphanumeric characters, and can encode large amounts of data, making them essential for inventory tracking and asset management. Publishing industry uses barcodes, such as International Standard Book Number (ISBN) barcode, track books and provide additional information to readers and customers, including author biographies and reviews.

Release Date:  02/23/2024
Size:  7892  KB
Platform:  Windows 11,Windows 10,Windows 10 x64,Windows 8,Win7x32,Win7x64,WinVista,WinVista x64,WinXP,Other

Program type:  Shareware
Cost: $49
Online order: purchase
Review: Click here

Requirements:  Any Windows

Developer: Business
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