Publisher Barcode Software 8.1.2 
Library Barcode Creator design Barcodes to fetch the information of particular book. HOW BARCODES ARE USEFUL FOR LIBRARY:Every book in this world holds an ISBN (International Standard Book Number) Number of 13 digits. ISBN is uniquely allotted to each and every book which is used to identify one book or an edition of specific Publisher in a Library. This 13- digit Code consists the information like Book's Publisher, Edition etc. International Standard Serial Number Number is used to find the Series of Book, Magazine, Newspapers, etc. HOW BARCODES ARE USEFUL FOR PUBLISHERS: Many Publishers think that Barcodes are not necessary to publish a book. But in reality, Barcodes are needed to publish a Book officially. Publishers and Library Barcode Creator generate Barcodes so that Publishers can use them to track their books after the distribution of books or their printed Copies. Barcodes are connected to the computers which act as a database for the Barcode. WHY PEOPLE PREFER TO CHOOSE PUBLISHERS LABEL MAKER SOFTWARE: 1.Software provides facility to create multiple copies of Barcodes with different Values. 2.Publisher and Library Barcode Creator empower user by one key feature i.e. Batch processing Series to create various Barcodes simultaneously. 3.Library Barcode Label Printing Tool supports many fonts like ISBN 13, CODE 11, DATABAR, PDF417, etc. 4.Publishers Barcode Designing Application provides various Tools i.e. Standard and Drawing Tools. 5.Publishers Label Maker Software facilitates user with multiple Shapes like Star, Circle, Polygon, etc. Batch Processing can be processed in three ways i.e. Manage Batch Series, Import Wizard and Create Series. Manage Batch Processing holds some operations to operate like Add New, Update, Create, etc. Batch Processing by importing Wizard can be implemented in four ways by Manually, Browsing Image folder and by importing Excel or Text File.
Release Date:
5068 KB
Windows 11,Windows 10,Windows 10 x64,Windows 8,Win7 x32,Win7 x64,WinVista,WinVista x64,WinXP,Other
Program type:
Shareware Cost: $49 Online order: purchase Review: Click here |
Requirements: Any Windows