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  Excel Birthday Greeting Cards Maker  Click this icon to download
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Process to create birthday card by using birthday card maker software- Step1: Install the birthday card maker software on your Windows. Step2: Run the setup on your laptop or pc. Step3: Choose to create a birthday greeting card or a birthday invitation card. Step3 (a): birthday invitation card *Software provides 3 options to create birthday invitation card format are Design Birthday Invitation using Templates, Design Birthday Invitation using Wizard and Design Birthday Invitation using Blank Format. *in this mode software also provides birthday party details feature, which helps in mentioning invitation details like venue, date, and time, as well as some additional information on the birthday invitation card. Step3 (b): birthday greeting card *Software provides 3 options to create birthday greeting card format are Design Birthday Greeting using Templates, Design Birthday Greeting using Wizard and Design Birthday Greeting using Blank Format. *in this mode Software allows users to create personalized and colorful birthday cards with the ability to add a photo, text, icon, and personal message to wish someone special, family member or friends. Step4: software also has Batch Processing Mode which can create multiple birthday cards with different barcode values and text and it support the MS-Excel, Notepad and Copy paste manually. Step5: software has a create series option which has sequential series, constant series, and random series. It also helps to create multiple birthday cards in a minimal time period. Step6: Software helps users to print multiple copies of colourful and custom style birthday cards using advanced print settings and adjust the print settings. If the user wants to see birthday cards in the format they desire, press the print preview button. Step7: software export the designing birthday cards as PDF or image file format. Step8: software has inbuilt email settings to send the designing birthday cards at user defined email address.

Release Date:  07/28/2022
Size:  7613  KB
Platform:  Windows 11,Windows 10,Windows 10 x64,Windows 8,Win7 x32,Win7 x64,WinVista,WinVista x64,WinXP,Other

Program type:  Shareware
Cost: $45
Online order: purchase
Review: Click here

Requirements:  Any Windows

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