Apex Combine 2 PDF Documents 
Combine 2 PDF documents software is specially for those PDF users who can use PDF documents in his daily life and facing several problems with documents. This software provides all the necessary and essential features in single tool with various options. PDF merger software makes two pages on one page hence it supports to generating single file by combing various numbers of PDF documents easily. Directly join single page or multiple pages PDF files into separate file. Software is standalone application does not have requirement of any supportive utility. Specific version of this software has more features of supporting PDF documents as comparing to other tool. Split larger documents with having multi-pages into multiple files each having single page or multiple pages. PDF tool may change PDF Meta properties on the selected files like Author, Title, Subject or Keywords easily. Set unique name on the PDF files using Prefix Suffix. PDF pages extractor program can works with several latest Windows like Win7, Win2000, Win Vista (all version), Win CE, Win ME etc.
* Split & merge files according to your needs.
* Merge PDF pages into single file to handling larger files.
* Guarantee to easily split merge PDF documents according to odd even pages.
* Join, combine or merge several files according page numbers or page range.
* Combine several files according to your needs.
* Arrange PDF documents using page range or page numbers.
* Split documents and make files each having single page or multiple pages.
* Merge infinite PDF documents into suitable single Adobe PDF document.
* PDF splitter includes batch processing for splitting and merging thousands of PDF files.
* Set PDF properties on the PDF file and put unique name on the Adobe PDF.
* Compatible on the all latest Windows like Win7, Win2000, Win Vista (all versions), Win CE, Win ME etc.
Release Date:
3561 KB
Win2000,Win7 x32,Win7 x64,Win98,WinOther,WinServer,WinVista,WinVista x64,WinXP,Other
Program type:
Shareware Cost: $14.90 Online order: purchase Review: Click here |
Requirements: Pentium class processor, 256MB RAM, 10 MB free disk space, .Net Framework 2.0 or more