Need For Eat 1.5 
"Need For Eat" is a blend of the classic Python games on a modern arcade concept. As it was in old Python you rule a snake and have to eat rabbits avoiding collisions with walls and your tail. But now... what you see is not just a square field - it is a maze with triggers, tubes, teleporters and etc.; what you can eat are not only rabbits - there are many useful bonuses and some dangerous things around! And that is not all! A real fun starts when you fall into the multiplayer mode where you struggle for food and space with other snakes. The specially designed graphics and hardcore soundtrack make us believe that "Need For Eat" will say its word in PC arcades design. Once seen it leaves a track of emotions in you mind!
Release Date:
6891 KB
Program type:
Shareware Cost: $12.50 Online order:  Review: Click here |
Requirements: directX 7.0