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  Magican AntiTrojan 1.1.0  Click this icon to download
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Magican AntiTrojan has been updated to v 1.1.0. It is a free antivirus app designed for protect Mac from Trojans. Magican AntiTrojan can help users check out whether Mac is infected by four kinds of Trojans, including Flashback Trojan, MacKontrol, Sabpab and Olyx. You can use it to detect how many files infected and where the Trojan exists in your Mac. Besides help users check the Trojans, this app still could help Mac users delete all the infected files in your Mac. Still Magican AntiTrojan has an easy to use interface; users could only click a button to easily detect Trojan and a "Clean" button could helps delete all infected files. Besides checking the complicated solutions on net, we strongly recommend to use Magican AntiTrojan easily protect your Mac. This app can make your Mac and your personal information safe, and it is one of the few app allow users kill Trojans directly. New features in version 1.1.0: 1, MacKontrol could be check/delete by Magican AntiTrojan 2, Sabpab could be check/delete by Magican AntiTrojan 3, Olyx could be check/delete by Magican AntiTrojan

Version:  1.1.0
Release Date:  04/19/2012
Size:  1255  KB
Platform:  Mac OS X

Program type:  Freeware
Cost: $0
Review: Click here

Requirements:  Mac OS X 10.6 or later

Developer: Magican Software Ltd.
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