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  Lead Breaker 1.2  Click this icon to download
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Lead Breaker allows you to access any kind of website locked/premium content without doing surveys or task. Nowadays, many websites locked their content using CPALead, Leadbolt or any other widgets and ask from users to do survey to unlock the page, download file or access their valuable content. If users complete surveys website owners get paid from survey companies. Some surveys are very boring to do, and some are very hard to complete. Some will make changers in your computer. Some countries are not available surveys at all. In the first time, now you have a solution. It's Lead Breaker. It will allow you to access any kind of premium contents without doing survey. Lead breaker bypass Locked widget within few milliseconds. It will break Cpalead, Lead Bolt and many widgets

Version:  1.2
Release Date:  07/14/2011
Size:  1375  KB
Platform:  WinXP,WinVista x64,Win7 x32,Win7 x64,Win2000,WinOther,Mac OS X,Windows2000,Windows2003,iPhone,iPod,i

Program type:  Freeware
Cost: $0
Online order: purchase
Review: Click here

Requirements:  128 MB of RAM, 10MB of free disk space, MS Windows OS

Developer: Lead Abatement
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