Keylogger Freeware 
Advance freeware keylogger software keeps track entire user activity on computer system in your absence and stores them to encrypted log file which later can send to you at specified email address. Activity monitoring software helps parents to have completely control over your child online activity by recording their pressed keystrokes on keyboard. Invisible keystroke recorder software runs in background and completely invisible to user and hides itself even from startup menu, task manager and add-remove programs. Stealth PC activity monitoring tool monitors and records PC activities including internet URLs visited, keystrokes typed, emails, chats and all programs user runs and work duration in every application and invisibly creates a log file to track everything. Video surveillance software captures screenshots at regular or user specified time interval. Activity monitoring application allows you to keep eye over your children chatting on the net, and control the activities of employees from any part of the world. Invisible key Logger software provides best recording and monitoring of PC activities for professional and private use. Spouse monitoring software detect and monitor your spouse activities when you are in office and captures Windows screenshot of all PC activities including accessed web sites, voice chat records, sent mails and photos, typed documents, application accessed, change in system or time settings etc secretly. Keyboard recorder utility is compatible with all Windows operating systems such as ME, 2000, NT, XP, server 2003 and Windows Vista.
* Advance keylogger software records every typed keystroke in stealth mode.
* Keylogger monitoring utility requires very less space for its installation.
* Outstanding keystroke recorder software provides highly interactive graphical user interface for end users.
* PC monitoring software prevents external users to change its configuration settings.
Release Date:
3491 KB
Win2000,Win7 x32,Win7 x64,WinServer,WinVista,WinVista x64,WinXP
Program type:
Shareware Cost: $49 Online order: purchase Review: Click here |
Requirements: 512Mb RAM, 5Mb disk space