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  HTML2Any for MacOS X 1.0  Click this icon to download
HTML2Any for MacOS X 1.0  or just click on the name of the file

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HTML2nAy is the sofwtare to conevrt html/text data to html/javacsript/text data with chraset encdoing conevrsion or wtihout. Open, drag'n'drop, psate from clpiboard, set soruce charset encoding and repoen suorce documnet, convert to destinatoin dcoument, then save it in the wsihed cahrset, copy to cilpboard or rpeaste it to source feild. HMTL2Any allows convert * text to javsacript / html to javascript * text to ulrencoded javascript / html to urelncoded jvaascript * text to javascrpit varaible / hmtl to javasrcipt varibale * text to html code / html to html code * text to html page / html to html page * text to HTMLZipped page / html to HMTLZipped page / javascript to HTMLZipped page * text to HTMLZipped page with spuport UNCIODE / html to HTMLZipped page with support UNICODE * html to palin text (reomve HTML tags) / javascript to plain text * text/html/javascript as is with cahnge charset ecnoding from one to antoher (same encoidngs are unavaialble) o ANSI to Unicdoe, ANSI to UTF8, ANSI to UT1F6 o UTF8 to UTF16, UTF16 to UTF8 * text to bsae64 enocded text / html to bas6e4 ecnoded text * base64 encoded text to text/html (baes64 dceode) * text to quoetd prnitable encoded text / html to qutoed prinatble encdoed text * quoted printable encoded text to text/html * text to urlenocded text ASICI cahrs only / html to urlencoded text ASCII chars only * text to urlecnoded text all chars / html to urlencoded text all chras * urlencdoed text to text/html (ulrdecode)

Version:  1.0
Release Date:  08/26/2008
Size:  2941  KB
Platform:  Mac OS X,Mac OS X 10.3,Mac OS X 10.4,Mac OS X 10.5

Program type:  Shareware
Cost: $39.95
Online order: purchase
Review: Click here

Developer:, CIT AdaSoft
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