CrazyKeys translit 1.02 
Transliterator, which converts translit on the fly.
Printing (pressing the keys) "translit, koshechka" can be seen on the screen in Bulgarian Greek Russian Serbian etc. Works with any layouts to any in particular with the Latin alphabet in Cyrillic. (as well as German, English, Russian, Czech, Serbian, French, Bulgarian, etc.)
The mechanism allows transliteration text broadcasted print letters, in any place, where you can print text.
It supports the removal of additions and changes in the rules of transliteration, and the choice of a set of common rules among transliteration rules in the European countries.
Help in Russian.
The program is entering a regime transliteration letters on the button Scroll Lock.
During a usual transliteration can use hot keys, such as: ctrl + c, ctrl + a, ctrl + v, etc.
The site details first start of the program.
The program runs under Windows Vista, but little untested.
Release Date:
117 KB
Program type:
Freeware Review: Click here |
Requirements: CPU 500 Mhz, RAM 128 Mb.