lowcostbid misspelt eBay Toolbar 1.1 
Due to the large number of people who enter items into the eBay marketplace everyday, eBay misspellings are more common than you might think. Sometimes sellers simply get in too much of a hurry while they are entering items for sale. Other times eBay misspellings are due to a typographical error. Another common entry error is when there are alternate ways to spell an item that has been listed, or when the seller simply makes their best guess on how an item should be spelled.
EBay misspellings happen for all the above reasons, but you may wonder why this is important. Probably the major way in which you can use eBay misspellings is to locate and bid on items with a much lower chance that someone else will outbid you on the item. This allows you to pay a lower price because other people's bids are driving the price up. A circumstance in the real world if a Christy's auction were to be held in a location that only you knew about. If everyone at the auction was bidding on items as they were called by the auctioneer, but you were the only person who knew that in a back room was another auction going on where just a few nice items were brought out to bid. You would certainly take the item at your opening bid.
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313 KB
Win 3.1x,Win95,Win98,WinME,WinNT 3.x,WinNT 4.x,Windows2000,WinXP,Windows2003,WinME
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