IC Capture.AS - FireWire Camera Control Software for Telescopes 1.0 
IC Capture.AS is authored by The Imaging Source and has been specifically designed for use with telescope cameras. The software ships with all the telescope cameras sold on the AstronomyCameras.com web site. Using IC Capture.AS, you can do the following: Set all camera parameters; See the live image data stream from the camera; Retrieve singular images from the camera and save them as BMP or JPG files; Capture image sequences and save the single images as enumerated BMP or JPG files; Capture image sequences and save them as lossless, uncompressed AVI files. These files can be post-processed in other astronomy applications, such as RegiStax.
Release Date:
1974 KB
WinXP,Windows2000,Windows2003,Windows Vista Ultimate
Program type:
Commercial Cost: $0 Review: Click here |