Desktop Forum Manager 2.0 
Desktop Forum Manager will help you join and participate in an unlimited number of forums and message boards right from your own desktop. Joining forums is a great way to gain credibility as an expert in your field and generate tons of incoming one way links to your website. Placing your website links in your forum signature file, provides you with multitudes of one-way links back to your website. The amount of time that you'll save by using this application can be reinvested into either joining more forums, or focusing on other marketing efforts. Desktop Forum Manager is a highly effective traffic generator, credibility booster, and a tremendous time saver!
Here's a simple breakdown of what Desktop Forum Manager will do for you:
* Allows you to join an unlimited number of forums related to any industry you wish.
* Once joined, you're able to post messages to all the forums and message boards that you're a member of.
* You're able to store your most frequently used messages, like your introduction, within the DFM application to use over and over again.
* You can store all of your forum usernames and passwords within the DFM application for easy input when signing into each forum.
* Built in browser will take you to your each of your forums as you command without ever having to leave the application.
* You can track and respond to all your forum posts that other members have responded to from within the DFM application.
* DFM runs directly on your desktop and you're able to manage all of your forums without multiple windows open. Only an Internet connection is needed.
* Saves you a tremendous amount of time by being able to manage all of these tasks and enabling you to join and participate in more forums.
We participate in a lot of home based, small business, and entrepreneur type message boards. Desktop Forum Manager has helped greatly increase our website traffic which has directly resulted in more sales.
Release Date:
3136 KB
Program type:
Shareware Cost: $37 Online order: purchase Review: Click here |
Requirements: pentium processor or equivelant, 32mb RAM, 5MB HDD storage space