Magic Blog 1.00
Magic Blog, a simple yet sophisticated blog, is the world's easiest to use blog software. There is no need to register or login, or even submit. Magic Blog uses cutting edge Ajax technology to automatically submit posts and they appear immediately. Instant Gratification! How many times have you seen a blog that you wanted to post to, but they want you to register, then login, then write your post in a little box, then submit, and then wait for the page to reload, just to see your post (if you're lucky)? None of that is necessary with Magic Blog, the no B.S. blog. Magic Blog makes it easy for your website visitors to generate content for your website, and as you know, search engines love content! Magic blog is also great for customer support, chat, instant messaging, and organizational communication since posts are published instantly in real time. Magic Blog automatically filters bad language, dangerous character input, and computer code, to provide absolute security. Unwanted posts are easy for the administrator to delete. Magic blog is also excellent for chat or interoffice communication because the posts submit much faster and more easily than with conventional chat or bulletin board software. Magic blog has many uses: Use it for clubs or organizations, organizational communication, customer support and others. Uses PHP and Mysql. Free installation service.
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26 KB
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Freeware Cost: $58 Online order: purchase Review: Click here |