Right HTML Protector 3.0 
Right HTML Protector prevents others to use your articles, artwork and photos, your web design and scripts without your permission - protects web pages from unauthorized extracting of your text, images, photos, graphic, e-mails, links and scripts. The change is totally invisible for your visitors, it saves original web page appearance but it helps to avoid web plagiarism and cloning that are very common for this day. Encrypted HTML and source code also blocks web site rippers and email extractors used to collect spamming email bases. Protecting your business from email extracting is very important as spam delivers about 90% of all Viruses, Trojans and wWorms. If you include unprotected email on the web pages it could be soon taken into spamming bases, so you could get hundreds of spamming letters daily. Right HTML Protector features six encryption methods that allows include or exclude some parts of web pages from encryption - for example, you can only protect e-mails and graphics. This helps your web site to maintain high search engine ranking. Optional features allows to disable some actions on your web pages - right mouse button, text select, page printing and printscreen, page caching, IE image toolbar and smart tags, offline page viewing and drag & drop. Users don't need any HTML and programming knowledge. It is very easy to work with - just drag&drop files to the Right HTML Protector at get protected_file.html ready to upload. In some cases you may also want to block content filters that could hide your content from visitors as it could be similar to advertisement block sizes. You may also want to block software created for automatically saving all your web site pages for future use.
Release Date:
1606 KB
Win98,WinME,WinXP,WinNT 4.x,Windows2000,Windows2003
Program type:
Shareware Cost: $29 Online order: purchase Review: Click here |
Requirements: 200MHz Processor, 16MB RAM, 3MB free disk space