Sitemap Equalizer 1.1.0 
Create proper Google and Yahoo sitemaps of the highest quality and accuracy with push-button ease. Unique and powerful web spider crawls your entire site beforehand, making absolutely certain there are no "dead ends" for web spiders.
Full and accurate page count guarantees that all links on your website can be followed - if the built-in spider count matches the number of pages on your site, you know that all your pages are accessible.
Shows you all the pages AND the page titles - a quick scan of the list tells you right away whether or not any pages are missing - allows you to simply upload the ones that are missing (rather than having to upload all the pages because you don't know which ones you missed the first time around).
Quickly and easily scan through your URLs in order to locate any parameters that will make Google totally ignore them (based on Google's own guidelines). Shows you exactly which of your pages are indexed by Google and which ones are not.
Gives you the ability to scan for domain name consistency - since proper sitemaps must pertain to only one subdomain, this also helps prevent possible duplicate content problems in the search engines.
Ensures accuracy by allowing you to create your sitemaps based on three different methods - off a live website, or your FTP directory, or a local folder on your computer.
Gives you a simple and convenient means for managing item priority and change frequency on your Google sitemap.
Lets you SAVE your project so you can open it at a later date - if you take the time to define priorities and change frequencies and set it all up exactly how you want this can be a huge time saver from having to start all over every time you add pages.
There's no doubt Sitemap Equalizer is a valuable tool, one that will save you a great deal of time and effort.
Release Date:
8669 KB
Program type:
Demo Cost: $97 Online order: purchase Review: Click here |
Requirements: High speed internet recommended.