deskPDF Professional 2.52 ![Click this icon to download
deskPDF Professional 2.52 or just click on the name of the file](/images/download.gif)
![Screenshot of deskPDF Professional](http://www.docudesk.com/download/deskpdfscreenshot.jpg) |
Docudesk deskPDF Professional raises the bar by which PDF conversion tools are measured! By using the "print" analogy within Windows deskPDF can easily "print" PDFs from over 250 applications without having to learn or go through the tiresome process of opening a new program. deskPDF Professional includes many advanced features to further your productivity, including one-click PDF to email, right click PDF creation, MS Word Hyperlink and TOC utility, 40 and 128 bit security settings, PDF quality settings, pre-defined profiles, watermarks, and many standard and custom page sizes to support both international page sizes as well as graphic software requirements. Ideal for both business and consumers, deskPDF promotes a professional image, allows sending documents and diagrams to clients for review when they don't have the native software, and protects your document with rich security features preventing unathorized printing, copying, or editing. Further deskPDF has rich enterprise capabilities including support for terminal services as well as an .MSI installer package, administrative configuration and deployment tool, as well as volume discounts. Docudesk has consistently converted unsatisfied users of other "tools' to deskPDF with its superior value, rich features, solid performance, and first class support.
Release Date:
8496 KB
Win98,WinME,WinNT 3.x,WinNT 4.x,Windows2000,WinXP,Windows2003
Program type:
Commercial Cost: $29.95 Online order: purchase Review: Click here |
Requirements: Windows 98/Me/2000/XP/2003