MailScan 4 for SMTP Servers 4.4a 
MailScan 4 for SMTP Servers is for customers using Linux, Unix, Novell or other non-Windows platforms on their e-mail Server. MailScan for SMTP Servers works on a Windows machine and acts like a Security Gateway between your Mail Server and the Internet. It also has an inbuilt multi-threaded SMTP Server and a POP3 Downloader. Features specific to MailScan 4 for SMTP Servers - Realtime Blackhole list (RBL): MAPS (Mail Abuse Prevention System) provides a list of IP addresses that are known Spammers or allow spamming. This list is called as Black hole list. When your SMTP Server, receives a mail from a domain, not on its allow domain list, you can send a query to MAPS Server which verifies the IP. Dial-Up Users (DUL): Spammers sometimes use stealth mail tactics when their initial Spam attempts are blocked. They use a dial-up-service (DUL) provider to connect their Spam mail service, to the SMTP Server. This is trespassing on your MailServer and the MAPS DUL project helps in identifying and stopping Spam. The project has a list of DUL users who are known Spammers. To verify if the request for connection to your SMTP Server is genuine, you can send a query to dialups.mail-abuse.org. The request is verified and returned. Reverse DNS: MailScan for SMTP server will do reverse DNS for each connecting IP to verify their IP when other users try to connect to your server. User level routing/forwarding: It provides routing and forwarding of mails on user level. Mailparking and Mail delay: This feature provides Delay for Outbound Mails It also allows you to select the size of e-mails that should be parked or delayed and set the time duration. Mailsize Restriction: It provides Mailsize restriction on gateway level. Clustering: This feature is useful to ISP or Servers that receive a large number of mails that need to be scanned. FREE 24/7 ONLINE SUPPORT.
Release Date:
12288 KB
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Shareware Cost: $43.52 Online order: purchase Review: Click here |
Requirements: "Pentium - 100 Processor and above, 64-128 MB of Physical Ram, 50 MB of free H/D