AllBalancesLink Excel Add-In for Peachtree 1.0 
AllBalancesLink uses a new add-in architecture introduced from MS Office 2000. This new technology allows the use of interfaces (forms and dialog boxes), therefore enabling much easier user-friendly applications than for instance, DDE implementations. As we are all aware, the production of finance reports, requires the extensive use of Account balances, Job balances, budget standing, consolidations and comparisons of certain periods within others, and generally the process to obtain this kind of information is a hassle because not all data is accessible and in the format we require. It would be great if there were a tool to make these tasks easier. AllBalancesLink can transfer from a cell on a spreadsheet, Account Balances, Jobs or a combination of Accounts, Jobs, Date Ranges, Customers ID, Job Type, PO Number, Phase ID and Cost Codes among others, correlating these data with other manually inserted values by the user in the order that is most convenient, enabling you to produce reports for whatever purpose needed. The possibilities derived from the use of AllBalancesLink to create financial reports are extensive and wide reaching; your imagination is the limit.
Release Date:
2590 KB
Program type:
Shareware Cost: $190.00 Online order: purchase Review: Click here |
Requirements: Windows 98 or higher, Excel, Peatchtree