Voice Call 4.2 
Voice Call is an answering machine and telephone dialer with Caller ID and Speakerphone support. It will restore itself from the system tray on the ring of your phone and even can set Winamp on pause.
Callers can be announced using any SAPI compliant text-to-speech engine. If the number is in the Cute Organizer database then callers name, photo and notes will be shown before you even pick up the phone.
Calls are logged with date, time, name and number. Return missed calls with a click of your mouse. VoiceCall dialer allows you place calls using the speakerphone and will auto-redial if the phone line is busy.
If you are away, VoiceCall will answer the call after a pre-set number of rings, play a greeting and record your voice mail. Recorded messages can be e-mailed or forwarded to your mobile device.
VoiceCall can automatically record your conversations. You can press the record button at any point in the conversation and the whole call is recorded.
General VoiceCall Features:
?» Wave display to view recorded messages
?» Both incoming and outgoing calls can be logged
?» Telephone conversations can easily be recorded
?» Built-in web server to access your voicemail over Internet.
?» Flashing tray icon or Scroll Lock LED on new calls
?» Shedule profiles change using Windows Task Scheduler
?» Runs as a system tray application
Release Date:
1815 KB
Win95,Win98,WinME,WinXP,WinNT 4.x,Windows2000,Windows2003
Program type:
Shareware Cost: $35.00 Online order: purchase Review: Click here |