Extreme Picture Finder 3.5 
Internet is a perfect place for finding various types of information. Most of us are downloading multimedia content from the web on daily basis. Among most popular items are wallpapers, digital imagery, photos, music and video clips. But how do we find required content without spending too much time on browsing, searching and downloading?
There are quite promising technologies for providing categorized thematic multimedia content on the web - TGP (thumbnail gallery post) and image post sites. These web sites display thumbnailed imagery with direct links to the content itself. However, even the use of TGP does not eliminate the amount of searching required to find the desired content. So, is there a solution capable of saving time and nerve of a surfer?
In fact, there is! Introducing Extreme Picture Finder, the ultimate multimedia content searching, categorizing and multi-threaded downloading solution capable of automating the entire process and cutting media access times dramatically!
Extreme Picture Finder is a download manager-style multimedia content library capable of categorized information storage, update of media URLs database over Internet and automatic rules-dependent downloading of media files to local computer.
All you have to do to download images, videos and other types of files web sites link to, is specify a web site to download from or choose one from the hierarchical database, select the desired depth for following the links, and press ???Download??™ button. It is all that simple! The downloading process starts immediately and will only include files that you expect to be downloaded!
Extreme Picture Finder offers a whole multitude of settings for each download project, intended for advanced users. You can control every possible aspect of file search and downloading: from specifying file size to updating downloads folder with new files only and files and folders naming specifications!
So, go ahead and download fully functional 20-day FREE trial!
Release Date:
1509 KB
Win95,Win98,WinME,WinXP,WinNT 4.x,Windows2000,Windows2003
Program type:
Shareware Cost: $34.95 Online order: purchase Review: Click here |
Requirements: A Windows-compatible PC