Lanapsoft BotDetect ASP CAPTCHA 
Lanapsoft BotDetect - ASP CAPTCHA is a website security solution (component) designed to protect your registration, comment, poll, guestbook, content submission, and other online forms from automated spam submissions. It generates CAPTCHA images with textual code rendered in them that are easily decipherable to humans -- but not to spam bots.
In essence, it allows you to focus on your code or content -- instead of on deleting spam.
'Developer Edition' includes FULL SOURCE CODE and ROYALTY FREE distribution rights!
Key features:
- time unlimited and fully functional demo version (it displays "Lanap" 50% of times),
- built-in sound support that allows access even to visually impaired people,
- 50 different CAPTCHA algorithms,
- custom size and image format,
- full server side component,
- not dependent on other software so it does not bring in any additional dependencies,
- includes high-quality samples,
- free 24x7 support.
Release Date:
3108 KB
Program type:
Shareware Cost: $59 Online order: purchase Review: Click here |
Requirements: Windows, IIS