KidsWatch Time Control 3.0 
KidsWatch Time Control is one of America's leading Parental Control Software packages that allows you to limit and control the time your children spend on the computer, access the Internet or play games. Time Control helps you block unwanted software from being downloaded, prevents overuse and helps you to balance your child's day. With KidsWatch Time Control you will be able to: - Limit Internet Surfing, chatting and game playing to a time and duration appropriate for each child. - Schedule the number of hours each child can use the computer, per day or by week. - Automatically log your child out of their computer when it??™s time for lights out. - Block younger siblings from gaining access to the Internet. - Lock down the computer to prevent your child from pirating music or installing inappropriate software. - Easily share computer time among siblings. - Allow time for homework and leave game playing and chatting for later. The combinations are endless! Mix and match the time, duration and program options for each child and create the schedules that suite your family's needs. KidsWatch Time Control helps you have command over the time and activity your children spend on the computer and the Internet. Help your kids stay away from trouble and take the next step to parental supervision ??“ computer supervision! Fully Customizable -Time Control?„? allows you to select all the settings and restrictions your family needs for healthy computer and Internet use. Controllable Computer Time -Schedule the number of hours each child can spend on the computer per day or per week. Restrict Access to Programs -Schedule the period of time and the number of hours your child can use each individual program installed on your computer. Limit Internet Use - Restrict or limit online messaging and email, access to chat rooms, surfing the Internet or playing Internet games.
Release Date:
5750 KB
Program type:
Commercial Cost: $29.95 Online order: purchase Review: Click here |
Requirements: 32MB RAM, 5 MB HD