ICFMeister 2.2 
ICFMeister is designed specifically for monitoring the activities of the Windows XP Firewall. The information ICFMeister delivers can help you detect hacking attempts and sort out problems with internet-capable programs on your computer. A single installation can harvest ICF log data throughout your network without the need for multiple licences. ICFMeister reads the logs generated by the ICF on your PC and on other XP computers in your network, and presents them to you in a consistent, easy to read format. Where possible, ICFMeister provides additional information to help make sense of the log data. Hover the mouse over an IP address, and you see the corresponding network name in a tooltip. Hover over a port number, and you get the most common uses of that port. You can filter, sort and reorganize display columns to assist with detailed analysis and data presentation. Floating satellite windows let you minimize ICFMeister to your system tray yet still see the latest data as it arrives. At any time you can export a log in various formats including text, csv, xml, and formatted html reports. This makes it easy to import filtered data into databases or analysis applications such as Excel. You can even publish your logs as RSS feeds. ICFMeister will monitor your logs 24/7, watching out for firewall activity that interests you. For example, you can configure ICFMeister to alert you to possible hacking attempts by issuing visual and audio alerts, sending emails, outputting separate logs and even running your own scripts. ICFMeister is based on the universal log reader, LogMeister, and shares it's powerful anaylisis, monitoring and notification features. Whether you're a home user, power user, developer or system administrator, you will love ICFMeister's extensive yet easy to use features.
Release Date:
2258 KB
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Shareware Cost: $29.99 Online order: purchase Review: Click here |