SamplePage 2.3 
You need this flexible and easy-to-use html editor becase of this reasons:
*It is one of the best HTML editors in the whole world
*It has a big suite of tools and samples which can help you to develop your sites with a big speed
*It has a great templates system based on Base Templates and on User Templates
*It has unique system of inserting mail links protected from spam scanners
*It has perfect XP styled interface and a lot of popup hints
*It useful and easy to use
*It has dynamic updating system
*It has a big suite of tags and descriptors (about 50!)
*It has a simple Wizard which can help users to create there own personal pages
*It has a small size and big settings system
*It can preview your site in it's own browser or in Internet Explorer, Opera, NetScape or another
*It has multilanguage system and can be translate into several languages and you can choose
encoding of site for more compatibility with all browsers
*It has an interesting meta tag system
*It can insert rollover images into your site and you mustn't worry that some browser cannot read it - SamplePage add the necessary code that help all of the browser view it
Choose SamplePage and your website will be the best.
Release Date:
2356 KB
Win95,Win98,WinME,WinNT 4.x,Windows2000,WinXP,Windows2003
Program type:
Shareware Cost: $25 Online order: purchase Review: Click here |
Requirements: Pentium-compatible processor min. 133MhZ, 16 MB RAM