ViPNet [Safe Disk] 2.0 ![Click this icon to download
ViPNet [Safe Disk] 2.0 or just click on the name of the file](/images/download.gif)
![Screenshot of ViPNet [Safe Disk]](http://www.infotecs.biz/pics/safedisk2mainscreen.jpeg) |
ViPNet [Safe Disk] keeps your confidential data in a strongly encrypted form on your disk and provide you with transparent access to it from any application program.
ViPNet [Safe Disk] provides transparent "on-the-fly" encryption for your notebook or desktop personal computer. In the working process the system is creating files so-called "containers", whose size is specified by user; the files are displayed as logic disks. Password authentification is performed once on the entire volume. Once access has been granted to the volume, users can create, read, write, drag, drop and copy files to the volume just as if it were another hard drive. Best of all, since [Safe Disk] appears to Windows as another drive letter, it is instantly compatible with almost any standard business application, word processor, spreadsheet or database program. All information that the user stores on the disks is kept encrypted. When read, the information automatically is being decrypted, when saved-encrypted. This process is completely transparent for a PC user.
ViPNet [Safe Disk] Features:
1. ViPNet [Safe Disc] utilizes a proprietary encryption algorithm with a key lengh - 256 bit.
2. ViPNet [Safe Disk] does not only guarantees reliable confidential information storage and processing, moreover, it supports additional information security features:
a) The system is invisible for a PC user: while non-activated, the system cannot be seen (only connected device of data storage (Reader, for example) can show presence of the system);
b) When requested for real password, use the one for "under control" mode. The password of the given mode allows to conceal the presence of any confidential information when concealing the presence of the very system is impossible;
System requirements:
- Pentium II-233 or higher;
- 64 RAM;
- 20 Mb free space;
- MS Windows NT, 2000, XP, 9x, 2003;
- Internet Explorer 4.0 or higher.
Release Date:
3487 KB
Win98,WinME,Windows2000,WinXP,Windows2003,Pocket PC
Program type:
Shareware Cost: $51 Online order: purchase Review: Click here |