SpamSeparator 1.0 
SpamSeparator is a tool for creating spam filters to sort your emails on the server. You do not need to download each message to decide whether it is a spam message or a virus. The entire job is done on the server and you receive a full report on all delivered and undelivered (spam) messages. Spam is kept on the server for 3 days and then removed automatically. During this period any message in the spam folder may be downloaded. Using SpamSeparator you create a set of text files containing filter conditions and instructions for a server and upload these instructions (called "recipes") on your server. These instructions are intended for server's program called Procmail - software especially designed for manipulating with incoming emails - this program is installed by default on most Unix/Linux based servers. Procmail, on a server, analyzes every arrived mail and executes instructions you defined using SpamSeparator software. Some ("good") messages are placed in a usual way to your mailbox on a server, other ("bad") messages will go to a special "spam" folder on a server. Spam messages are kept on a server during three days and then deleted automatically (you have not to do anything: server will do the entire job for you). You may periodically download a log file (button "Logs" on SpamSeparator toolbar), so, if you see that any good message was placed to the spam folder, you may download this message (button "Download Message"). Also, you may periodically modify filtering conditions, add or remove "bad" or "good" words, phrases, addresses etc., and upload changed filters to your server - with SpamSeparator you can perform all these tasks easily. You should not be familiar with the relatively complex syntax of Procmail configuration files to use SpamSeparator. However, if you are Procmail specialist, you may use SpamSeparator to edit and manage your Procmail recipes - a built-in Procmail syntax highlighting editor is very useful.
Release Date:
661 KB
Program type:
Shareware Cost: $25 Online order: purchase Review: Click here |
Requirements: Win95-Win XP, Unix/Linux server