Spam Freak 1.0 
Product Name: Spam Freak
Version Number: 1.0
Versioned/BBS Filename: spamfr10..zip
Generic Filename: spamfr..zip
Author: Mike Hunt
Company: Digital Robotics Inc.
Needs: Windows 98, ME, NT, 2000, XP, XPP
Keywords: spam, freak, internet, email
Type: Shareware
Version Date: 08/03/2003
Set yourpop mail accounts. Never get spam again.
Set your pop mail accounts.
Set some simple rules.
Turn off auto download for your normal mail client.
Run Spam Freak before checking your mail.
Watch Spam Freak zip through your mail removing all spam using a patent filtering algorithm which can remove hundreds of spams in under 10 seconds.
An optional archiving feature insures that you will not accidentally delete anything. Spam Freak includes many extra features such as mail list management tools and auto archiving for responses to business mail sent with Spam Freak.
Using the the preview setting in text view you can ensure that your computer is never infected with any viruses or worms whether known or unknown.
For support, contact spamfreak@digitalrobotics.com
To install: run install.exe
Documentation: In program
Release Date:
1037 KB
Program type:
Shareware Cost: $9.95 Online order: purchase Review: Click here |
Requirements: win 98 me 2k xp xpp