Keyring 1.0.1 
Morello KeyRing is the easy and secure way to manage all your passwords, PIN's and other account information.
These days it is almost impossible to keep track of all the different passwords you use in your day to day life. It is easy to fall into bad habits - using easily guessable passwords, using the same password for different accounts, and never changing your password. Who can blame you, it would be difficult enough thinking up all those different passwords, never mind remembering them.
Keyring is a simple program which stores all your passwords, together with other infomation such as username/account number and web page in a single securely encrypted file.
For convenience, a single click will jump you to the account's web page and copy your password or username to the clipboard ready to paste into the login window.
So, now that you don't need to remember your passwords, you can use different, secure "random" passwords for all your accounts, and change them frequently. KeyRing can autogenerate passwords for you, compatible with most systems, and a special algorithm will produce memorable gobbledigook passwords so that you can probably memorise the ones you use most often.
For peace of mind, remember that all your valuable account information is stored in a single file using powerful, industry standard secure encryption
Release Date:
178 KB
Win95,Win98,WinME,WinNT 4.x,WinXP,Windows2000,Windows CE
Program type:
Demo Cost: $19.95 Online order: purchase Review: Click here |